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  • How do you gather and prioritize user feedback for your product?

    Bianca Tanase
    36 replies
    User feedback is essential for improving and evolving any product, but with so many channels and inputs, it can be challenging to manage and prioritize effectively.


    To gather and prioritize user feedback effectively: 1. Gathering Feedback: - Use online surveys and polls to collect structured responses. - Conduct one-on-one interviews for detailed insights. - Implement feedback forms on your website or app for spontaneous input. - Monitor social media and forums for real-time opinions. - Analyze user behavior and engagement metrics to spot issues. 2. Prioritizing Feedback: - Focus on feedback mentioned by multiple users. - Evaluate the potential impact on user experience and business goals. - Consider the ease and cost of implementing the suggestions. - Align feedback with your product vision and strategic objectives. This method helps ensure that you address the most valuable feedback effectively.
    I believe the priority is determined by the feedback given by the users and the relevance to the main function your product aims to serve. Additionally, if the vast majority of users provide similar feedback that is unrelated to the main function of the product, I think that is also worth paying attention to.
    Bianca Tanase
    @all_appp_games Thanks for sharing your perspective!
    Annisa Sukma Wardana
    We gather user feedback by: 1. Surveys: Quick polls or fun questionnaires. 2. Direct Conversations: Chatting with users to hear their thoughts. 3. Social Media: Keeping an eye on what users say online. To prioritize: 1. Vote with Data: See which feedback is mentioned the most. 2. Impact Check: Focus on issues that affect users the most. 3. Quick Wins: Tackle simple fixes that users will love immediately. It’s all about listening closely and acting smartly!
    Sergei Vorniches
    Actually, PH launch and some Reddit posting helped a lot to get initial feedback on a product's UI and to get some useful insights on how to improve it.
    Bianca Tanase
    @vorniches Nice to hear that! Sounds like I'm on the right track with PH, especially since we're launching here soon.
    Flow State Training
    Flow State Training
    Launching soon!
    In the initial days, I would say to establish a 1-1 relationship with users.
    Bianca Tanase
    @vaibhavdwivedi I totally agree with this one ☝️
    Invite the users to join our discord
    Bianca Tanase
    @natalie00 Great approach, we also have a Discord community. 😊
    Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
    Our recent discovery was usertesting.com. It let's you create test cohorts with custom test protocols. You can then watch the videos of testers using your product. This has been a game-changer for us. Not cheap though, but worth it.
    Bianca Tanase
    @mogthesify Interesting! I will check this out! Thank you!
    Malka Parveen
    We collect feedback via surveys and user interviews, then prioritize it by impact and feasibility in team meetings.
    Charlie Hale
    We gather feedback in a few ways. 1) After every workout, we gather thumbs-up and thumbs-down feedback. If it's a thumbs-down, we ask the user why. The answers are then all funneled into our team Slack for the entire company to see. 2) We reach out directly to customers who are early in their user journey but seem stuck. 3) We have a sense of urgency around our customer support channel. Providing incredibly responsive and thoughtful customer support is a superpower.
    Bianca Tanase
    @charliehale Thank you for sharing!
    Karishma Yadav
    Using a feedback management tool helps us organize and prioritize input based on user impact and frequency.
    Bianca Tanase
    @ka_rishma_yadav Interesting! What feedback management tool?
    Govi Chan
    I recently answered a similar question, but I’m happy to share my thoughts again. We tried many methods, such as inviting users to fill out a survey after using the service or encouraging them to complete a questionnaire by offering reward points. However, we hardly received any valuable suggestions. Eventually, we decided to take a more direct approach by taking on the role of customer support. When users had questions and we helped them resolve their issues, we would casually ask them how they found out about our website and if they had any feedback. Since we were directly interacting with the users, we often received useful feedback.
    Bianca Tanase
    @govichan Thank you for sharing your experience! I've also mentioned before that surveys can often be time-consuming and tend to result in less valuable feedback, so I completely understand the challenge you faced there. I totally agree with your approach of directly interacting with users through customer support—it’s a much more effective way to gather meaningful insights.
    Abdul Haseeb
    talk to users directly ask them what they think of your product.
    Karan Mandal
    I use analytics tools and customer support ticket gather feedback
    Daniel Zaitzow
    I find the most effective to me user submissions / one on one calls with those users.
    Soni Kumari
    I engage with users through live chat and email surveys
    Imam yousaf
    I gather user feedback through quick surveys and in-app polls. By analyzing the most frequent responses, I focus on addressing common issues first. This helps in making data-driven decisions efficiently.
    Ijeoma Florence
    I monitor support tickets and social media mentions to collect user feedback. I categorize these insights into priority levels, so we can tackle the most critical concerns promptly.
    Lily Edward
    I’ve started engaging directly with users who provide feedback. It helps clarify what they really need and why.
    Olive Loren
    I rely on direct user surveys and prioritize feedback that aligns with our core goals.
    Maximo Hartliness
    I use a simple voting system internally to rank feedback. The highest votes get immediate attention.