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  • How do you handle competition in your product’s market?

    Austin Armstrong
    18 replies


    Harold Farnsworth
    you should know your Unique Selling Point
    Isabella Marie
    In a competitive market, we focus on constantly improving and evolving our product to meet customer needs. Instead of viewing competition as a threat, we see it as motivation to innovate. By leveraging AI and automation, we streamline customer interactions and provide real-time support, which helps us stand out. Listening to user feedback and continuously enhancing features ensures that we stay ahead while offering unique value to our clients.
    Lisa Stanley
    It's all about staying focused on what makes the product special. Instead of worrying about others, it’s better to concentrate on improving and refining features that customers truly appreciate.
    Liam leo
    Instead of viewing competition as a threat, seeing it as an opportunity to learn and grow helps foster a stronger product and a more engaged user base.
    Prince Kumar
    I focus on highlighting what sets my product apart and continuously improving based on customer feedback. Staying agile and responsive helps a lot.
    Billy Boy
    I manage competition by focusing on exceptional customer service and building a strong community around our product. It’s about creating a loyal customer base.
    Xavier Jam
    I handle competition by staying innovative and regularly updating our product. Keeping the product fresh and relevant is crucial.
    Lenny Jean
    Competition is healthy. It pushes us to innovate and improve. We see it as an opportunity to learn, grow, and become better at what we do. 🥰
    Geeta Thakur
    We understand what sets our product apart. Whether it's a unique feature, better customer service, or a different pricing model, we leverage our strengths to attract and retain customers
    Tiger L
    Continuously improving the product by listening to user feedback and staying innovative. Emphasizing unique features and building strong relationships with customers ensures long-term loyalty, even in a crowded market.
    Odette Celeste Montgomery
    Gotta crush 'em! Undercut on price, outspend on marketing, poach their top talent, reverse engineer their tech. And spread some FUD while you're at it. All's fair in love, war, and business! 💪😉
    Brandon Lee Mitchell
    Differentiate or die, amirite? Gotta find that unique value prop, make some noise on socials, maybe run a few attack ads on the competition lol. And ofc keep iterating on the product to stay ahead. I'm thinking of using some generative AI to analyze competitor moves and suggest counters, anyone tried that? Open to other ideas for using AI to dominate my market!
    Ethan Samuel Bennett
    Def keep a close eye on the competition but don't get too obsessed over it. Focus on making your own product 10x better and building real relationships with your customers - that's the key to staying ahead long-term IMO. Anyone used AI tools for competitive research btw?
    Olivia Jane Mitchell
    Depends on your competitive advantage. If you're significantly better on a key dimension (10x faster, 10x cheaper, 10x easier to use, etc), lean into that hard in marketing/sales. If it's more of a commodity market, focus on brand building, partnerships, and channel. And keep innovating either way to stay ahead!
    alex Ivanovski
    with the strong social media presence
    Jessica Young
    Find their weak spots and exploit them mercilessly. Undercut their prices, poach their top talent, bash them in ads. Hey, all's fair in love, war, and biz! 💣💥
    Patricia Harris
    Crush them. Watch their every move, exploit their weaknesses, undermine their strengths. Eat their lunch before they even realize you've stolen their food. It's a ruthless game and only the strongest survive. Go for the jugular early and often until you're the only one left standing in your market. 😉