How do you handle demotivated people at work?


At some point in time, you will have come across some demotivated people at work. It is pretty hard to work with them or even get work from them. So how do you handle these situations and people at work?

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Utkarsh Choudhary
I think the biggest thing for me is accountability in this situation. If your lack of motivation is leading to you losing accoutability of your deliverables, you're essentially letting the entire team down. The first thing is to obviously try and have a conversation, give people the benefit of doubt, offer them support (you never know what they're going through that might be causing this). But if the same pattern repeats over and over again, hard decisions might need to be made as a founder.
I understand that you're frustrated with the presence of individuals who are not competent, inefficient, and demotivating to others. This situation can cause anxiety, but the best approach is to deal with some patience. If there's nothing you can do to change their behaviour, it's often best to ignore them and distance yourself from such people. focus on your own work and disregarding their negative influence is the only solution I believe this will help you to cope with this situation.
@neha_8 , I know, right? I practice it as well. But, you know, there comes a point in anything where you got to do something about it. If not, it won't matter in the long run as whatever you want to do will just cease to exist.