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  • How do you personalize your cold emails or LinkedIn DMs?

    Rohan Chaubey
    10 replies
    Do you write a personalized sentence or add an image/video or keep it simple to first name personalization only? Some tools that I have found useful for Text, Video and Image personalization: Expandi (Good for LinkedIn Image and GIF personalization) Lemlist (I used to like their image personalization) LeadsEngager (currently using for video personalization on email and LinkedIn)


    Kwadwo Adu
    Conversational Form
    Conversational Form
    We made a product to help ourselves and other founders do sales by automating 360 lead research, the product can also generate drafts for outreach https://pondeo.com
    Research their recent posts/work, reference specific achievements, keep it short and valuable.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    Since I use Substack and it feels more like blog (articles), I think that personalise it for a certain name wouldn't make sense in my case.
    German Arrowoods
    Addressing the recipient by name and reference something specific about them or their work to give it a personalized touch.
    thina samin
    I have tried Expandi. It is such an amazing tool. Though I am not using it regularly, but it is worth trying.
    Felix Sattler
    It depends on what your goal is. Do you want to automatically send out DMs or Cold Outreach Emails or do you want to write them on your own? In general personalized emails and DMs are good, but if they get too detailed, the chance that something goes wrong when automating the process is pretty high. So if you decide to automate the outreach, you should definitely first look into what personalization options your tools offer you. For example: we use a tool called MoBerries (https://www.moberries.com/) for our Linkedin outreach. The tool allows us to have a human touch in our messages, as we can tailor the given best practice templates to our needs before starting any campaign. Most other tools that we checked did not offer anything like that. Most likely you will have the option to integrate data points like form of address, full name, company, job role, and that is it. Of course if you decide to do it manually, you can put some more time into customizing every single message for it's receiver. That allows you to even integrate details about the connection between you and the person, which most of the times results in a better response rate, but unfortunately that method is not scalable.
    Felix Sattler
    @rohanrecommends I saw you added some tools in the description as well. I would also add loom to it. I saw several approaches with personalized loom videos in my LinkedIn inbox. The best of them all was a Sales person singing a personalized song for me, which really made my day.
    @rohanrecommends @felix_sattler LeadsEngager is a video personalization tool like loom for email/linkedin outreach but at scale for every prospect from a single video. There are many creative ways this can be leveraged by sales/marketing orgs.
    suti harsih
    Never sent cold DM or email Is it necessary? How does it work?
    Blake Martin
    It really depends on what you’re offering, your goal, and if the person is open to this kind of outreach. If they’re not interested, they probably won’t read it anyway. Any systematic personalization for cold contacts often comes off as a sales tactic nowadays, so I keep it simple: I use a genuine, unassuming template and their first name.