Orysia Khimiak

How do you stay focused, what do you do to stop scrolling, any hints or tips?

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When i code on my project I know i'm the only one that will use time for solve problems otherwise the situation will remain static. After that when i finish or when i can't solve the problem and need to reset myself i scroll 4chan or the doomed news in google. I just accept that i'm not always productive, i don't try to fight it.
Ivan Ralic
Deep work - Google it a little bit 😄 The idea is to go over hour or so of work without any distractions so the brain goes to the deep work state and then you can have a deep work for hours at a time. The easiest way to do so is to have small wins in the beginning to go through that hour or so of work. And then when you start rolling go to those more willpower-consuming tasks 😄 Also, no dopamine intensive stuff at least for 2 hours after you wake up. No scrolling, you can drink tea, look at the sun, do yoga, listen podcast, read book, prepare for the day, plan your perfect life, think about how life would be perfect in 2-5 years if everything comes to place, write everything down (do journaling).
André J
flight mode. turn of all notifications. noise canceling headphones. apple AirPods Max are best at NC
Vlad Zivkovic
Ivan already mentioned it above...
Currently, I am on 15 min Social Media / 45 mins work. Kind of a split.
Alfonso Alvarez
No phone on working hours. Set limits for phone usage outside of working hours. .. or just close social media :)
Penny Hartley
Identify which apps you are scrolling. I recently did a clean up and deleted several apps like Reddit and Instagram and it's crazy how much better I feel for it. I found that there are better ways to relax than to scroll but it's definitely a learning curve. In the first week, I kept looking for the apps on my phone like on autopilot, it truly is a negative addiction. So my recommendation would be to delete the apps, look up ways to relax and set a strict time for focus, depending on your daily rhythm. Let's say you are most alert from 2-4 then try to cram the most of your work into those two hours