Great to see this topic still garnering interest, even if it's been around for a couple of years. Social media has evolved, and customer service practices have had to adapt as well.We've found that the key to successfully supporting customers over Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other channels is integration. That's why we use a tool that allows us to manage customer relationships directly within these platforms. Specifically, we use a CRM for Instagram that's part of a suite of integrations. It allows us to streamline customer data and queries right from Instagram into our CRM system, which is a game-changer for our response times and overall efficiency.
We are present of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. If a customer approaches us, we look who is their account manager, and then the manager takes over the conversation by email.
@price2spy Interesting! It can be tricky to navigate this flow, we used to do so ourselves too. Have you looked for a way to streamline this process? or perhaps just jump on and talk to them on the channel (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) itself?
@cmdkhalilov Indeed it can be tricky. The good think in our business is that as a B2B, most of the customers prefer email contacts and they usually reach out directly to their Account Managers, so this doesn't happen that often.
@price2spy That makes sense. In many ways, a good email client, or even the default with good integration to a CRM is probably a good way to go about it.
@price2spy Yes! I'd go for Hubspot with their Chrome Extension. It was a game changer for me! Their chrome extension allows me to both communicate via a shared email (through Hubspot itself), and as well as from my personal email. Their extensions tracks emails sent, logs it into hubspot, creates a new contact, even allows me to embed templates and trigger sequences right from Gmail. It is the best thing I tried this year.
We track tweets that mention our company on Slack. When there's something we can help with we click on the Slack tweet message and respond on Twitter. We use our personal accounts to make the experience a bit more warm and personal. But we do not expect that from folks that are not comfortable doing that.
Same would go with Facebook, Instagram etc. Although we do not have any presence there due to the nature of our SaaS.
@amiridis Interesting! Do you feel this is inefficient in anyway? Or perhaps did you try to look for a tool that helps you out managing the customer support experience on multiple channels in one place?
@cmdkhalilov I guess we are being saved by the low volume? We didn't have to resort to a tool for that job. I am not sure if we end up having to go that way. I like email based support, and that's where I redirect folks when possible. For quick interactions I don't mind using the channel itself (i.e. Twitter).
@amiridis Ah! Low volume definitely masks the potential of the problem. I am with you on email that it creates calmness, and removes the "right-now" expectation that live chat for example stresses on. I am biased because I help build products that does this, but I have to say once we got our Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp into one place, I kind felt much less stressed of missing messages.
@amiridis I hate to self-advertise, but if you do, I'd love to know and learn more if you also do think of growing a community on platforms like Discord, because things tend to get messy there.