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  • How do you use visual hierarchy to guide users through your website?

    Erick Philbert
    0 replies
    Visual hierarchy is the arrangement of elements on a page in a way that guides the user's eye to the most important information first. It's a key principle of web design, as it can help users find the information they're looking for quickly and easily. There are many different ways to create a visual hierarchy on a website. Some common techniques include: - Using different font sizes and weights. Larger and bolder fonts are more likely to grab the user's attention. - Using colour. Bright and contrasting colours can be used to draw attention to key elements. - Using whitespace. Whitespace, or negative space, can be used to create visual balance and to make important elements stand out. - Using alignment and proximity. Aligning elements on a page in a consistent way. Here are some questions to consider when using visual hierarchy on your website: - What is the most important information that you want users to see? - What actions do you want users to take? - How can you use visual hierarchy to guide users through your website in a way that is both efficient and enjoyable? Visual hierarchy varies depending on the type of website you have and the audience you're targeting. For example, the visual hierarchy of an e-commerce website might be different from the visual hierarchy of a blog. What are your tips for using visual hierarchy to guide users through your website?
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