Ben Katz

How to earn product of the week


Hey everyone, I interviewed Sandra Djajic a few weeks back about what she did to make Klu succeed on Product Hunt and earn Product of the Week. I found the conversation quite insightful and wanted to share the key points with you all. Klu, for those who aren't aware, is a tool that acts as your internal Google. It integrates with all of the tools you use on a daily basis, allowing you to search through them from one interface to find what you're looking for​. Klu's journey began like many startups, with a lean MVP that eventually evolved into a public beta. When they started, nobody on the team had a significant audience and they had difficulty finding people to provide feedback on Klu. That's when Sandra, a team member at Klu, began engaging with the #buildinpublic community on Twitter, sparking a significant change​​. In the months leading up to their Product Hunt launch, Sandra consistently engaged with people on Twitter and Product Hunt. She answered questions, provided feedback on other products, and was generally an asset to the community. This authenticity led to genuine relationships, and she gained a large number of supporters who were eager to see Klu succeed​​. On the launch day, these fans and supporters made a massive impact. Sandra described it as a "collective effort" with the entire Twitter community to launch Klu on Product Hunt. The launch garnered significant attention, with #buildinpublic Twitter being flooded with conversation about Klu​1​. Here are some of Sandra's tips for a successful Product Hunt launch: Make your launch page feel authentic and personal. - Build and use a "notify me" page before launch to gather people who want to receive notifications. - Proactively build a community of users and supporters. Genuine relationships with people will lead to them supporting you and wanting you to succeed. - Don't be afraid to share your journey openly. It breeds trust, starts conversations, and lets others celebrate wins and losses with you, and offer advice, resources, and more​1. The result of this community-centric approach? Klu's Product Hunt launch was a massive success. They ranked third on Product Hunt’s product of the day, held momentum, and ended up winning product of the week! On launch day alone, they drove over 10,000 website views, bringing in 1,000 new users​​. This story underscores the power of community. It's not about spamming but having the right approach and messaging to support your product passionately. Build your community, and they'll support you on your journey​1​. I hope you find this as interesting as I did. Would love to hear your thoughts and experiences with community building for product launches. If you found this post interesting I write a newsletter where I write weekly deep-dives on growth tactics for early-stage tech companies --

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