Tanoy Chowdhury

How to make a work schedule and REALLY follow it?

I'm struggling following a disciplined approach to my work. I'm meeting deadlines, but my working hours are erratic. I was wondering if some of you can help me in sharing tips for making a schedule, to-do list and anything that helps. And, also tell me how do I motivate myself from sticking to it. Cheers

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Gaurav verma
What I personally do, I have divided my days in 1 hrs sections. Lets say in this hour I search for clients. I'll only spend this 1 hr to search for them. As soon as this hour is over, I move on to the next task. In this way I am covering all the aspects of the business. This might not work for you but it is working for me and I prefer to write on a piece of paper so I can strike them off. Hope this is helpful to you.
Tanoy Chowdhury
@gaurav_verma10 This is a very smart technique. By assigning a time limit, you create an urgency to complete a task — like a crisis moment. But, by keeping the time limit to only 1 hour, you avoid a burnout situation. So you get things done in the timeline without feeling that you have exhausted too much energy. Kudos to your work ethic, Gaurav. And, thanks for commenting.
Anton Ross
I noticed that if you wake up at 6-7 in the morning, you can do all the work 2-3 times faster. No one and nothing will distract you, since the whole world is asleep)
Tanoy Chowdhury
@rosssaris I loved how you put it in such a simple and ingenious way. I have read a few blogs and watched some videos that stress this point. But, the problem with me is that I'm not a morning person. Do you have tips on how to get up early? And, thanks for commenting, Anton.
Anton Ross
@tanoy27 Go to bed earlier. A run for the night. No gadgets for 1 hour, you can replace it with a book
Anupama Panchal
Was going through same. Agree with @gaurav_verma10. I wrote all the activities that I am responsible for and then categorized them into daily, weekly, monthly activities. Created a plan by assigning few hours a day for each type of activity and now I am able to move things forward in each of my responsibility instead of getting overwhelmed. 💥
Tanoy Chowdhury
@anupamapanchal Awesome Anupama! A tactical approach to work is more fulfilling. I like how you look at work — breaking it down into tiny pieces to make it easier to handle. I will start thinking in these lines, and maybe down the line, I will start getting answers.
Cathy Patalas
In my case, a clear plan for the day works best. I attend many meetings every day, so I always estimate how much time I will have in between. Then I figure out which of my tasks I will be able to complete in these breaks. For me, it's essential to estimate how much time it will take to complete the task or a part of it. Then I don't have any unfinished business - I'm satisfied and motivated to achieve the following goals from my list. Plus, ticking off works! Whether my tasks list for the day is digital or written on paper, crossing off completed items motivates me.
Tanoy Chowdhury
@kapatalas Woah, that's some serious amount of scheduling. I'm in awe of how you plan everything and execute it so well. Writing your plans down and striking them off as you go on accomplishing them is indeed a very effective technique. I did it in the past, but I think I should rekindle it now. Thanks for commenting, Cathy. P.S. — I checked your website; it looks AWESOME!