Tanay from Stacks

How your users find you?

The best marketing advice I received - find an answer to "How your users find you" before building a product. It will solve a lot of problems later on. So, product hunters, how do your users find you for the product/services you build? Comment below👇 and educate fellow hunters.

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Johny burg
Tools like Google Analytics and Search Console. Click tracking (recording which elements on a page users click) Scroll tracking (recording where users scroll on a page)
Tanay from Stacks
@johny_burg Got it, are you using search console and analytics to track your SEO performance?
Cyril Gupta
Through ads a lot. Also through organic content and social marketing
Tanay from Stacks
@cyriljeet This is great! How does it impact your conversion? Ads vs content /social? Are you running ads before or after PMF / validation?
Cyril Gupta
@tanaylakhani Well, to get PMF we do need some users and feedback... I run my ads from day #1 of launch. PMF is something we are still working on... but we are in positive RoI so far
Kuba Gaj
Currently, it's: - Organic Search, - G2, - My LinkedIn posts.
Tanay from Stacks
@qbagaj This is great. How is g2 performing to bring audience?
Kuba Gaj
@tanaylakhani So far, it brings < 10 signups a month. But we're on the free plan on G2, with a simple profile, and we haven't managed to gather many reviews yet. Based on what the G2 Team has said, the more reviews and discussions you get on G2, the more your product is being promoted there.
Some organic traffic from Reddit, Linkedin, PH, Twitter (Now known as X:)), Instagram, Tiktok. Also paid ads. Also team has a presence online and gets engaged with online discussions through PH, Slack Channels, Reddit.
Tanay from Stacks
@ozgumusbusra That is great, what slack channels do you post to?
Oleg from FirstHR
Search, Google Adv, LinkedIn.
Tanay from Stacks
@oleg_eltsov How is Google adv vs LinkedIn performing? How do you track performance of each?
Usually through other sites and search engines (organic).
Tanay from Stacks
@migy Awesome, which other sites do you use? What kind of content do you post on other sites?
Eugene Lipski
Why is everyone keeping quiet about clutch.co? It doesn't work?
Tanay from Stacks
@eugene_lipski very interesting, I have heard good things about clutch. How is your experience with clutch for users to find you?
Eugene Lipski
@tanaylakhani That's pretty good. Even though we are just starting to develop it, it looks promising.
Igor Lysenko
Thanks to our social networks, we have a lot of them and we post information every day.
Ruben Lozano
Hey! The best is to create a Go-To-Market strategy and from there create a plan. In that plan you have how you are going to reach your target market. There you will use channels that you want to try. If you want to learn more about that because you don't have yet your GTM strategy. Add a question to your signup onboarding question or book demo form like "heard about us" and you will learn a lot. Besides that, implement GA4 and you will learn self-attribution and data attribution. Cheers,
Matevz Baskovc
I find them. When the brand is good, and SEO works, then they find me. But in early stages, getting leads is extremely important. Here you have two stragegies: 1/ Advertising: - Great: because it delivers your product infront of the people - Bad: beacuse in early stage is difficult to target the right set of people. While testing this out, this can be extremely costly. Also in later stages, consider 30-35% costs always associated with marketing 2/ SEO: - Great: because customers who look for the problem your product is solving will find you - Bad: it takes time. start today today, but expect it will take maybe a year to get results 3/ Cold outreach: - Great: Its great because costs are fixed, you subscribe to a platform (lets say 50usd/month) and thats it, you can send thousands of emails daily! - Bad: because well, its cold - customers dont know you. So being consistant is important, and writing great sequences is crucial. I personally prefer cold outreach in early stages, then shifting to other focuses. All the time, put focus on acquiring emails, because this will serve as the foundation. For outreach softwareses I recommend using the folllowing: - Apollo - with huge db of emails, but its quite expensive - WarmLeads.io - service that sends fresh leads every month from companies that raised millions and are looking to outsource - with only one time payment - the best value-money I found - Instantly - primarily email sequence software, but also allows sourcing leads by some parameters, Hope that helps!
Kunal Mehta
At ProApp, we've been fortunate to have a wonderful community that has supported us from the beginning. Word of mouth has played a big role, with satisfied users sharing their positive experiences with their friends and colleagues. Additionally, we've collaborated with some amazing influencers and educators who have introduced ProApp to their audiences. Of course, being active on various social media platforms and engaging with our audience has helped a lot too. We believe that building strong relationships with our users and providing valuable content has been key to our growth. If you're interested in learning more about ProApp and our journey, check out our Product Hunt launch today! (https://www.producthunt.com/prod...) Feel free to explore our platform and share your thoughts with us. We're always looking forward to connecting with more passionate learners like you!
Johnny Foster
The majority of the success has come from SEO and word-of-mouth, but social media ads have also been successful. I'm curious how your product will aid in user discovery.