Ghost Kitty

If you could be mentored by anyone, dead or alive, who would you choose?


We all have someone we look up to and wish we could have a conversation with, even if it's just a brief one. Who would you pick to be your mentor if you could choose anyone, dead or alive?

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Eden Shopen
Myself 30 years from now🌸
Eden Shopen
@jason_andries1 Amazing! Thank you Jason!
Michael Scheiwiller
@edens that is a cool idea as well! :D
Ghost Kitty
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Eden Shopen
@milappert Thanks Michael!
Giannis Kiokpas
Marcus Aurelius and Lemmy Kilmister
Ghost Kitty
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Giannis Kiokpas
@jason_andries1 Marcus Aurelius, the grandmaster of Stoics, a true leader and an example to follow on how to live life! Lemmy, the hard rock Pirate, the epitome of full speed or nothing! \m/
Sophia Büttgen
@ikiok I love that you said Marcus Aurelius, because same. Funnily enough his son Commodus seems to be the exact opposite, even though he actually had him as a mentor.🤔
Giannis Kiokpas
@sophia_buttgen oh well, just one bad example of the apple falling far away from the tree! :))
Sheehab Muhammad
Muhammad(PBUH), Nikola Tesla, and Steve Jobs
@sheehab_muhammad Maan, I opened the discussion just to comment that I would choose Muhammad (PBUH). What a life that would be :)
Jannat Patel
@sheehab_muhammad Muhammed (PBUH) would be my choice too.
Emmanuel Nwosu
Call me crazy but Steve Jobs. More importantly, because I share his deeper work and creator beliefs that I've come to this world as a global solution provider. A bit egoistical, I used to think. Not so more anymore. :)
Michael Scheiwiller
@emmyjo Who in tech could not have liked his feedback?! :D Not crazy at all!
Emmanuel Nwosu
@milappert Exactly! He was just brilliant!
Of course the master Leonardo Da Vinci
Ghost Kitty
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Nicola Vargiu
eh eh eh easy choice 😆
James Hallahan
I am genuinely loving Sahil Bloom and his thought pieces. Or Bob Iger - his outlook and business acumen is out of this world
Michael Scheiwiller
@james_hallahan isn't it too much influencer style? ;D
James Hallahan
@milappert just need to take the actual insights without the “influence” - if that makes sense 😂 That’s what I do anyway. Some of his thoughts, tips, frameworks are great - clearly a deep thinker
Michael Scheiwiller
@james_hallahan some true words. I just do not like all this self promotion/influencer like postings. The problem is, i realised i got somewhere there as well... Obviously you get there if you want to market your product. And if the product is yourself, then well... :D
Jordan Belfort
Ghost Kitty
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@rainbows_glitter sound like my kinda guy no 🧢 bro be chilling and inventing atomic weapons on the side
@rainbows_glitter it better does
Sunny Kumar
Nikola Tesla
Abhishek Jha
Albert Einstein, Narayana Murthy, Steve Jobs or Jeff Bezos.
So many to list. Just curious. What's your choice? :)
Ghost Kitty
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@jason_andries1 , haha, I guessed it. The same here. I go with whatever that's better. It could be from the best of the best or even our peers for that matter. :)
Mahendra Singh Dhoni! 😇
Richard Feynman anytime
Sakshi Gahlawat
David Ogilvy and Steve Jobs
John Diaz
I think probably Steve Jobs.
Igor Lysenko
I never thought because there are so many wonderful people in the world, and I think I could not choose specifically. Too big option.
Ghost Kitty
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Gonzalo Alfaro
Steve Jobs, Alexander the Great and Benjamin Franklin.
Gonzalo Alfaro
I would also add Jacques Demolay ⚔️
Oyindamola Amood
Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him. Went from orphan to shepherd to general and Caliph... Quite impressive.
Doug Assis
Salvador Dali