Carter Michael

If your product was a movie - what would it be called?


No one loves a little cheeky self-promotion under a genuine thread. Thread: "How do I solve X?" Reply: "Not sure, but my company solves Y - check us out!" Great. So, we all love talking about ourselves. Human nature. So here's a prompt, if your product was a movie - what would it be called?

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This is a tough one) But I would say "Catch me if you can" with Tom Hanks and Leo Di Caprio)
@serhii_uspenskyi This makes me curious about what your product is
@samiha_dokadia This is not about the movie's scenario) We are doing a ChatGPT-based app that helps customer support teams. My first thought was just it's really hard to find some really good way to make customers always happy) That's why "catch me if you can"))
It has to be Guardians of Smiles As our product is monthly Free comics super pups
Liz Worthy
My product is a background removal tool called "UnlimitedBG" (launching in about a month, check us out!). My movie would be called "The Choose Your Own Adventure Machine". It would be a metaphor for photo background removal. Instead of removing the background of a photo (like, it would remove your entire past, giving you a clean slate to try on a different life for the day.
Mukesh Soni
Wouldn't it make more sense to just use the product name as the movie title?