In countries like India, where IT laws are weak, how do you protect your code?
I have had a negative experience recently. So, I wanted to build a SaaS product and hired a small IT company for the development. We only had a mutual agreement and the work went on smoothly. We were building it on a open source license and my developer had all the codes in his online repository account. When the product was ready I started to market the product and got a few clients within a month. Seeing the success and potential of the software, my developer started to market the product on his own without informing me. He sold it to a French company and when I came to know about it he said he will give me a minimum percentage of the sales. But, he wants to sign a legal document with a lot of ifs and thens. He has all the code at his disposal. I had no choice but to back off from the project!
Now, I am building a different product and want to know how I can protect my code so as to protect my interest.
Can you help?
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