Is the timing of a launch on Product Hunt, whether in summer or the start of September, significant?

My3 Murthy
4 replies
PH veterans, tell me- does it matter if we launch in the summer months or September start? We were initially thinking of launching towards the 2nd week of august- but with the summer being quieter & summer vacations- we are wondering if pushing it a couple weeks would be beneficial. What do you guys think?


Business Marketing with Nika
Depending on what you want to achieve – I would personally start after summer because people are on vacay, less on LI (professional social media where you usually connect with those people). Possibly more exposure you can have after the summer.
Keith Mc
Just here for tips😉
Andreas Sohns
Yeah, timing can definitely matter.
Thomas Hansen
Seasonal timing can impact your launch. Summer might see lower engagement due to vacations, while September can be a great time as people return to routine. However, the key is to ensure your product is ready and you have a solid marketing plan in place.