is there a website where where indie devs meet with designers for indie projects?

Mertcan Esmergül
3 replies
Let me elaborate: let's say that you are a designer with amazing design skills who wants to build a micro saas but you don't know much about coding or vice versa: you are a developer that is not very great at design. Is there a platform where individuals with these complementary skills can connect and collaborate on indie projects? Communities could work but I imagine something more like a job board.


Is this model of cooperation a bigger problem for the subsequent distribution of benefits, as a long lasting cooperation may not be established?
I haven't heard of this! Do you count Twitter/x ? :)
Mertcan Esmergül
@ar_bell hah, yes twitter def counts but I'm looking for a website specifically built for this. If not, then I might be the one building it! :)