Jeffery Kaneda

It's been a week since Felo Translator was released on Producthunt, so let's do a recap.

1. gained 7th place on the day's charts through channel sharing (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin). 2. got feedback from 53 users on their experience. 3. lacked community lead generation. (If people must add the link of their community when promoting, I push people to use Discord) After that, if you have any problems with Felo Translator, you can come here to communicate with me:

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Over the past week, we have received a lot of feedback from users, and there are several common questions: A,When will the Android version be available? B,How many languages does Felo Translator support? C,If two people are speaking simultaneously, or if one person speaks continuously for a long time, the translation performance of Felo Translator may not be optimal. Here is my reply to everyone: A,This product is still in its early release stage and undergoing rapid iteration. We will definitely release the Android version as soon as possible. At the same time, we will maintain the updates and upgrades of the iOS version and iterate based on the feedback from existing users to improve the translation performance, which is our top priority. B,Felo Translator supports 10 languages, including English, Chinese, Japanese, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian, Korean, and Thai. C,Ah... this is a big issue. It may be due to the limitations of the microphone capabilities of mobile devices, and we currently cannot separate the voices of two people speaking simultaneously based on voiceprints, resulting in a decrease in real-time translation performance in such specific scenarios. We have already noticed this issue and are actively working to address it. Please trust us, we will maintain a high pace of iteration and updates in order to resolve all the issues you encounter.
777 tete
I hope your product gets better and better, Felo Translator has helped me to communicate better with others.
Jeffery Kaneda
@777_tete Of course! I'll try! If you run into any problems you can come on Discord and give feedback: