It's been a week since the launch (2nd of the day). Here are some tips for you!

Hey everyone! Like the title says, it's been exactly a week today since we launched Touring here on Product Hunt, and the results have been really impressive. A few numbers: - more than 3000 unique visitors to the website (from more than 100 countries) - featured in 18 different newsletters around the globe - more than 600 signups to become early adopters - 800 upvotes and more than 150 comments on PH This is crazy, but I'm not here to brag or anything, I just wanted to let others know how useful a launch on Product Hunt can be, and how much exposure it can give you if you plan and arrange for it! Lots of people contacted me on X and Linkedin to ask how to get these good results, so I decided to try and create a useful discussion here! Disclaimer: I am no expert, and this was my first launch, so if I managed, you can too! And now, for the useful part of the discussion. During this week, we kept bumping into things where we thought "Ahhh, damn it. We should have done this before!", so I want to share with you a few things that I wrote down in my notes (most are about questions we should have included in the survey people had to fill in to become early adopters): - We should have asked which social networks people used and ask for their handle, so we would know how to reach them other than their email - We should have asked where they learned about Touring: attribution is always useful - We should have looked better at the limits of the free plans of the tools we were using: we used Mailchimp to collect emails, and we did not even think we would ever get above the 500 limit of the free tier. Well, we did, and we did it quite fast, so we were super happy to learn that mailchimp still collected emails but did not show them to us until we paid. If they didn't, we would have lost several early adopters. - We should have connected on LinkedIn with people we deemed possibly interested in Touring a few weeks before the launch, so that they would get updates when posting about the launch and the following updates. We only realized this a few days before the launch, so we did not maximize this effect. - We realized - almost at the end of the launch - that we would have loved to know how much people would pay for a day pass of Touring. Results? By adding it at the end of the survey we only got 100 datapoints instead of 600+, a big difference - statistically speaking. - We should have asked which city people lived in: this would be crucial to select the first early adopters, but we lost this information: tough luck, a learning lesson! A few other things that helped with the launch (these ones we did :D) - track EVERYTHING: we used mixpanel and mouseflow to track everything useful regarding the interactions of visitors with the website: 70% of the early adopters played around with our online simulator! This is a good nice pat on the shoulder for us, made us happy! - engage A LOT with the community the weeks before the launch: I have been active every day for more than a month here on PH, always trying to bring some value in the discussions and never being purely transactional: the "I upvote you if you upvote me" only gets you a nice number on the launch page but nothing more than that, I believe. - Search for channel to post about your launch: there are several slack groups, linkedin groups, facebook groups, subreddits etc etc. Just do a few searches and you'll easily find them. Most of them need approval to let you in, so do it in advance! - Write to people! People in these groups are usually interested in new products. Don't insist, but just let them know about your product and ask them to check it out if they are interested. You'll be surprised by how many will actually do it and give you feedback! Reach out for any question, I'd love to help you out the best I can! You can follow me on X (Twitter). Let me know if I forgot something, let's create a useful launch tips&tricks discussion for everyone! Cheers, Gabs

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Carol Moh
Love the insight thanks @gabriele_mazzola - I think everyone is quite focused on getting emails during launch but getting socials is also a good idea too and following the page on LinkedIn for updates!
@carolmoh Yes, that's a good idea. I've already sent out an email to everyone to thank them for signing up, but several people notified me that the email went to spam, so I've no idea of how many were actually delivered in normal inbox. To be honest, I'm never gonna trust emails in the future and try to rely on something else :D
@carolmoh yea! Unfortunately I realized it too late and lost 600+ social handles 💀 The problem with email is that many of them will go to spam
Carol Moh
@gabriele_mazzola 600+ 😮‍💨 In your next comms to everyone make sure you do a shoutout to social and (if possible?) maybe an incentive to follow your socials that is linked to Touring?
Dilara Basaran
Super insightful post @gabriele_mazzola! Most launch prep tips revolve around getting lots of engagement on PH - being fully prepared to make the best use of that increased traffic is not covered often. Definitely got some to-do's out of this ✍🏻
@dilara_basaran Hey Dilara, super happy that you got something useful out of this: that was my goal! 🚀 Best of luck for the launch of Flowla, and reach out if you need anything!
Ethan Xu
@gabriele_mazzola @dilara_basaran Thanks for sharing your thoughts, @gabriele_mazzola! It's definitely important to not just focus on getting engagement, but also being fully prepared for the increased traffic. Glad you got some actionable tips from the post. As for launching your own product soon, my advice would be to make sure you have a solid plan in place for not just the launch, but also post-launch. And don't forget to engage with your audience and gather feedback to continuously improve your product. Best of luck!
Alexandr Builov
Hey @gabriele_mazzola, congratulations on the impressive stats! 🎉 The part that caught my eye was tracking everything and engaging with the community weeks before launch. Do you feel these were more successful because they were specific to your product niche or they are universal strategies? Your post is definitely a game changer for many upcoming founders. 👏
@builov84 Hey Alexandr, thank you for the nice comment! I appreciate it! To be honest, I don't think this worked because the product had a niche as a target (self-guiding explorers), and I've seen it working also for products that are more high-end. I think - in general - making meaningful connections with other people will help you, one way or another. If you have any questions both about engaging with the community or tracking, feel free to reach out on Twitter!
Iskandar Chacra
Hey Gabs, thanks for sharing this. Really cool read! What you're building with Touring is awesome and I'm excited to follow your journey on Twitter. Im thinking of ways to add analytics to my app but dont want to add too many different services (Google analytics, Firebase, Vercel etc). What are your thoughts on mixpanel and mouseflow? Thanks again!
@iskandarchacra My experience with those two was veeeery smooth: I made an account, added two tags to the Google Tag Manager associated with and it was done. Literally done in 10 minutes. Disclaimer: I might be biased on Mouseflow - my wife works there - but I've tried also HotJar and I felt that Mouseflow allowed me to do more things and worked better (I could not see all the recordings on Hotjar, not sure why). I would recommend to EVERYONE to install these things on their website, it's so vital. For example, without them we would have never known about all the newsletters that featured us.
Iskandar Chacra
@gabriele_mazzola thanks for the tips!
Leon Novački
Really insightful about the tracking. Makes me wish we implemented more of it, but it might be too late now on launch day ;)
@leon_novacki trust me, you can do it in 10 minutes with Mouseflow, let me know if you want to do it and I can help with it!
Leon Novački
@gabriele_mazzola We already do some tracking, but I was thinking of polling, that we could've used from the start.
@leon_novacki I see, well, next time!
Love the insights, appreciate it @gabriele_mazzola. It's always inspiring to see examples of how carefully planning a PH launch can take a small startup global. Stories like yours further prove the power of that platform for getting valuable feedback and pushing important discovery metrics like unique visitors and signups. Thanks for letting others learn from your process :)
@viona_sequeira Hey Viona, I'm glad you found it useful! I love this comment: this is EXACTLY what I wanted to show to other makers.
zuhaib ashfaq
Wow amazing insights Gabriele and once again congrats on these amazing results. Luckily, I haven't launched yet. I'm still in, what I would say, Popcorn Mode (sitting back, watching and learning from others). Your tips will definitely help me when I go for launch. Saving this for later reference
@zuhaib_ashfaq hey thanks! Haha love the “popcorn” mode! Wish you the best for when you decide to launch!
zuhaib ashfaq
@gabriele_mazzola thanks 🙏
Great summary @gabriele_mazzola I always had the impression that Product Hunt was strict and scary but to my surprise the experience has been the complete opposite so far.
@jgani same feeling, I like it!
Shikha Singh
Useful tips @gabriele_mazzola !! Still some To Dos in " engage A LOT"
@shikha_singh15 The more the merrier!
Yogita Gholap
Thank you for sharing valuable insights.
@yogita_pg You're welcome! Happy to help!
Thank you this is really useful!
@pallaskittie You're welcome! Glad you found it interesting!
Novie Dizon
Thank you for this Gabriele! This is super helpful especially we are launching very very soon!
@novie_dizon You're welcome, Novie! Best of luck with the launch of Sharelo!
Novie Dizon
@gabriele_mazzola Thank you Gabriele!
Maria Anosova 🔥
Thank you for your story and advices!
@maria_anosova You're welcome, Maria! Happy to help!
Shaw McKean
really appreciate the write-up. one of my main takeaways is active engagement with your extended community in the days and weeks leading up to launch - does that sound right to you?
@shaw_mckean It does! It's really important
Sherry L
Love this! and love how you are a bit advocate on tracking, I stress a lot about tracking in my role and some people just don't understand :( In regards to mix panel and mouseflow tracking what were say your top 5 things, you think were the most valuable tracking you did?
@shezzy04 Hey Sherry, yeah I think tracking was extremely useful and, if you think about how easy it is to set it up, I don't understand why there are still people who don't do it! Good question, let me try and answer that: - it gave us the power to see these "burst" of users and, through the referral, made us understand which newsletter they were coming from - I looked at several recordings and iterated every hour with a new deploy of the landing page (even during launch day) where I was optimizing for the user path I wanted to have. For example, we saw that when we introduced the simulator at the top of the page, more users were using it, but less people were signing up as early adopters (probably because they were having fun with the simulator and at some point they just decided to leave and forgot about signing up). We then decided to remove the CTA for the simulator and put it 1) at the bottom of the page and 2) as a redirect AFTER a successful sign up as early adopter - it gave us useful statistics such as the countries people were signing up - we were able to create useful funnels by reconciling the sessions with the email that people left in the survey - it's fun to watch recordings, it's really fun!
Sherry L
@gabriele_mazzola Wow this all sounds super exciting! Congratulations on all your learnings and everything else also and in the meantime I shall push more on tracking! Thanks so much for all your insights, your willingness to share is inspiring
Alexander Ptitsyn
Useful information, thanks!
@alexanderptitsyn You're welcome, Alexander!!
Alice Badger
Amazing pointers, definitely taking this post into my brainstorming session later on today. Much of this goes beyond PH and provides brilliant general food for thought. Quick question regarding the slack groups -- may be coming out as a complete novice here, but how did you find these slack groups and do you have any you would recommend? 📝
@alice_badger Hey Alice, I'm glad you found this useful :) For the slack channels, I can tell you the name of the channel I'm in, but to be honest I have no memory whatsoever on how I joined them. But I think a quick google search will do: - PLG ( - Product School ( -
Alice Badger
@gabriele_mazzola Thank you so much! I didn't even know they were a thing before you mentioned it and have gone down a little rabbit hole to learn more. Appreciate your help!
Annie Chopra
What an amazing post! We just launched and I definitely relate to a lot of the points! Congrats on a successful 🚀 launch
@annie_chopra Amazing! :) Best of luck with your launch Annie!
Annie Chopra
@gabriele_mazzola thanks Gabriele! ❤️🙌🏼 do check it out if you get the chance
Ghost Kitty
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@aryan_kohli Nice! Glad it helped :D
Ritesh Kumar Prasad
Glad you shared this insightful tips. This will surely help us track down the areas we are lagging behind. Thank you so much.
@ritesh_2399 Nice! Happy to help!