Bart Drijver

It's mental health awareness week! How do you take care of your mental health?


Mental health is a widely recognized and extensively discussed subject across numerous organizations, and this week happens to be dedicated to raising awareness about it. I'm curious to know if your company has implemented a mental health policy, as well as what measures you personally take to prioritize your own mental well-being.

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Uma Venugopal
- Eliminate emotional vampires from your life. - Find your tribe where you feel truly connected and in a judgment-free zone. - Set boundaries. - Do the boring stuff that brings innate joy out of you. - Simplify life.
2 most important things are: - Get enough sleep: Sleep is important for your mental well-being. Try to establish a consistent sleep schedule and create a calm environment to promote quality sleep. - Eat well and stay active: A healthy diet and regular exercise can boost your mood and energy levels.
David Allworthy
@jamesky1 100% agree. Getting regular, quality sleep is a super power. Plus eating a healthy diet (not too much sugar) and regular exercise. With these 3 things you can run any company and build any product you like!
@dracreate cocaine and hookers my friend
Would be great to see companies take into consideration your condition. For me I try to be constant with my exercise, eat right, and get lots of sleep. Also, I make sure everyone knows what to do if things get out of control (never hurts to plan ahead and get support from those around).
Vera Rose
Go for a walk in the middle of the day :)
Vlad Golub
I personally like to take long walks while blasting 90s pop music to clear my head. As for my company, we have weekly team check-ins where we can openly discuss any challenges we're facing. It's important to prioritize mental health, especially during these times
Dexter Awoyemi
Minimum one short walk a day and some calisthenics.
Yavuz Tunc Emran
I just watch a lot of David Goggins aahah
Tim Smits
For me it's - Meditate - Regulate my screen time (If you're interested check my upcoming launch ;)) - Eat healthy - Workout
Phyllis Coleman
Alright, my friend, let's talk mental health! Here's how I roll when it comes to self-care: Mindful me-time: I carve out moments for myself, whether it's a morning meditation, an evening stroll, or simply chilling with a good book. Gotta nurture that inner peace, ya know? Sweat it out: Exercise is my go-to stress buster. A solid workout sesh gets those endorphins flowing and clears my mind. Plus, it keeps the body in shape, so it's a win-win. Social support: Surrounding myself with positive peeps who lift me up is key. We all need that squad that's got our backs, right?
verlaine j muhungu
- 8 to 9 hours of sleep - walking 5 to 10 km per week - napping during the day - a digital detox for 1 to 2 hours, socializing with my family. - reading books and less screen - less social media
Bradley Adkins
Minimalism. Fewer distractions and emotion-triggering content such as social media and news. Keep your phone on DNS and instead fill your time with activities that give you joy.
Lisa Oreshkina
I have been a freelancer for 10+ years and now lead a company. So work has always tended to take all my time, making me anxious, sometimes depressed, or lonely. Here's what worked for me: 1. Swim laps/exercise 2-3 times a week; 2. 15min stretching routines in the morning and before going to bed; 3. Get enough sleep. That's number one for me, actually! 4. Schedule outdoor escapes: woods, hikes, ocean — this helps to see the actual scale of your daily shit; 5. Talk to a new person IRL once a week! 6. Be open and honest to others — this builds relationships. And good relationships are a proxy for a healthier life.
Mohammad Elzahaby
I journal every single day. it is for me the most effective way to process thoughts, become self aware and aware of my environment. I made my own simple journaling app called memoiri for that purpose
Mohammad Elzahaby
@jenniouz I write down things that happen during the day and how I felt. I try to capture situations. at the end of the day I go through what happened and usually ask myself was that how I want it to be or not. If not I try to imagine what should be, what would feel better. that is my approach. How about you?
Mohammad Elzahaby
@jenniouz exactly why i try to write down significant stuff, and tried to make my app straightforward, open it up and startt writing nothing fancy
dominate the fundamentals eating moving sleeping breathing so that I can show up as my best self from moment to moment I use the heroic app to prime the RAS to find moments throughout the day to express that in my energy work and love
Igor Lysenko
Every hour I go do cardio and drink tea. Sometimes I read a book so as not to get tired or burn out. It keeps me in good shape and I work calmly.
Alexandre Duffaut
Privilege happy thoughts Lower negative ones Take a stop some time to time Get bored Enjoy small things in life
Della Jiana
If you're interested in learning about mental health and self-care tips, I can certainly provide information and suggestions. It's important to prioritize self-care activities such as maintaining a balanced lifestyle, practicing mindfulness or meditation, engaging in regular exercise, seeking support from friends or professionals, and pursuing hobbies or activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Remember, if you have concerns about your mental health, it's always a good idea to reach out to a healthcare professional for guidance and support.
Lydia Wang
I prioritize my mental health by practicing self-care through activities such as meditation, yoga, and regular exercise.
Justin Kwok
I'd love to see more companies adopt policy or scheduled times that promote mental health, but in the absence of that, always remember to look after yourself too. Getting a good night's sleep is so important. Being able to step back and take a breather. Both so much easier said than done for different reasons, but when you're not getting rest and staying too close to stressors, it'll certainly be felt! Forced positivity IMO doesn't work for everyone; for some it might feel like brushing off concerns or worse, mocking someone for feeling burdened about something. If just being bright and bubbly isn't your thing though, like it isn't quite mine, having a good outlet for that energy is important.
tawheed abdul-raheeem
Turning off social media and taking a walk in the woods