Launching in 2 days, what are some last-minute tips you can give?

Elif Duran
69 replies
Hi everyone! It has been awesome to meet so many of you throughout the last month πŸ™ŒπŸΌ We're launching BeforeSunset on November 2nd and this is our first launch πŸš€ We have read case studies and followed all of Product Hunt's instructions, but is there anything more we should be prepared for on the big day? You can check our upcoming page to receive a notification when we go live! πŸ’ͺ🏼


Maria Hayat
Get everyone on the team on board on the day- the more hands on deck, the better! We're launching soon too, so looking forward to seeing some useful tips here!
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@maria_hayat We closed that day to be available as a team, thanks Maria! Also, good luck to your launch.
Maria Hayat
@elifduran Planning on doing the same over here, and thank you!
Murali Gottumukkala
Email Every contact u know and personally call if needed
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@murali_aasaan Thank you Murali!
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@murali_aasaan We created our email flow πŸ’ͺ🏼
Satish Kumar Veluri
Congratulation and all the very best for your launch.
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@satish_kumar_veluri Thank you Satish πŸ™ŒπŸΌ
Harshavardhan Reddy
congratulations .. All the very best for your launch
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@harsha_vardhan01 I appreciate your support, thanks!
Pooja Lahoti
Subscribed already. Congrats and all the best for your launch.
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@poojalahoti Big thanks Pooja!
Edun Kerry
get everyone on board ready to support you from social media down to email leave no stone unturned all the best for the launch 🎊
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@edun_kerry Thank you Edun, we planned our posts and email flow πŸš€
1 Personal messages works pretty good 2 Twitter is overrated 3 University/school groups and communities also work quite nice
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@haserk University and school groups surprised me, thank you for the advice Khasan πŸ™ŒπŸΌ
Software Guy (Aarvy)
@haserk That's some useful tips. Thank you.
Anastasiia K
Wishing you great luck and success with the launch!
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@anastasiiahere Thank you Anastasiia!
Janset AngΔ±
I'm sure you'll do a great job! Good luck πŸš€
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@janset_angi Big thanks to you Janset πŸ™ŒπŸΌ
Neri Raanani
Good luck with your launch, looking forward to it!
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@neri_raanani Thank you very much Neri, we are so excited too πŸŽ‰
Mutlu Sakar
Try communities, good luck.
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@mutlusakar Thank you Mutlu!
Launching soon!
All the best with your launch. I will definitely support you on the 2nd of November.
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@qudsia_ali Thank you for your support Qudsia!
Chetan Natesh
All the best, no great tips though! Just be strong πŸ’ͺ
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@chetan_natesh Thank you Chetan!
Chelsea Arceo
Hi Elif! Thanks so much for asking this question! We just launched today: ( and we're definitely taking note of this post! πŸ‘€ Much like others have said, having your team on board the day of surely helps! Good luck on your launch day! 🀩
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@chelsea_arceo Thank you Chelsea, and congrats on your launch πŸš€
Eric Amorin
Join different communities and share your launch
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@eric_lonegan Could you list a few?
Samar Ali
Assuming you've already built a great product and have a strong user base, here are some additional things to do in the final days before launch: 1. Make sure your product is featured on Product Hunt. This can drive a lot of traffic and help you get early adopters. 2. Reach out to bloggers and journalists who may be interested in writing about your product. 3. Create social media posts announcing the launch, and make sure to include a link to your product's website or landing page. 4. Send an email announcement to your mailing list subscribers announcing the launch. 5. Contact potential customers who have shown interest in your product and let them know that it's now available for purchase. 6. Analyse
Raquel Yesner
Get support from friends
Daniel Shein
Congratulations - ensure some level of tracking is in place to give your team visibility into what your customers are doing.
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@danielvouch We are using Hotjar to observe our users, thank you Daniel!
Daniel Shein
@elifduran thanks for sharing, I think this will provide a lot of value for you. Good luck!
Angel GutiΓ©rrez Pizarro
Measure everything. Have your hypothesis very clear and your KPI that will measure that hypothesis well-tracked.
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@angel_nobox Thank you Angel, we will observe and analyze.
Angel GutiΓ©rrez Pizarro
@elifduran no worries, if you need any help just drop me a message. :))
DΓ‘vid Sipos
Subscribed already. Congrats and all the best for your launch. And don't forget to share in our PH linkedIn group :
Elif Duran
Launching soon!
@david_sipos Thanks David, will do πŸš€