Markus Jenul

Life Without COFFEE - I Had My Last Coffee 1 Year AGO⚡️🥴

Today marks the day where I stopped drinking coffee.. will I go back to it.. probably! 😅 Cause it makes me more productive! BUT what difference do I see? - I was less productive within the past year - BUT I was also less stressed and thus feel healthier today coffee simply gave me too much energy... it hyped me. So much that I felt exhausted at the evening. Could you do a year without coffee? 🙂

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Victoria Isla
I can not imagine, a life without coffee.
Andrii Kpyto
Elena Cirera
It isn't easy to believe if you are a coffee lover and spent a year without it.
Binal Savani IW
Yeah! It's not that hard to live without coffee, but without tea it's impossible.
Anna Voronina
I once spent six months without coffee, didn't feel any different and got back to it.
Shushanik Shahbazyan
No)) I drink a coffee twice a day - in the morning when I arrive office and after launch. I drink it not only for productivity. It's a chance to spend 10-15 min with friends during the hard-working day.
Pablo Palmitas
I can't say that coffee is something that necessarily gives me motivation/drive. It's just the glue that ties days together and gives some kind of sense to life haha So in no time soon I am planning to drop it from my habits. But for you, what was the reason to stop drinking altogether? you felt it was unhealthy or something else?
Anna Mandziuk 🇺🇦
Damn, well done! It's sooo easy to get addicted to coffee, and very hard to break the habit. As for me, I was once a coffee addict during my first 2 uni years. After the 2 year mark, something happened (still have no idea what) and I suddenly started hating the smell and taste of coffee, cheap, expensive, no difference😅 I stopped drinking coffee for almost 6 years after that. Sometimes I would buy myself a cup, but most often I wouldn't be able to finish it. I always had very active jobs so that was enough to wake me up. Nowadays though, I have an office job, so I really need coffee to make me productive, but it's still hard for me to tolerate the smell and taste of it🙈 So I just add a ton of milk to it and then I can kind of drink it. What was very noticeable is that when I was addicted to coffee, it never gave me any energy anymore, but now - 1 shot of espresso really does wake me up!