The pros, in my opinion, are endless: the opportunities that this technology has opened are really countless. So, everyone can follow their creativity and pursue their goal in a much easier way, compared to some years ago.
On the other side, and I am also experiencing this myself, I believe this has led to an inflated market where everyone is launching something new everyday, and most things are wrapper (or a slightly more complex product than a wrapper) of API calls to some GPT-like system.
This, in my opinion, is making it very hard to stand out and convince people that your tool is proper and does simply rely on someone else's job
@gabriele_mazzola Thanks for sharing your perspective. The point you made about market saturation is very valid, so yeah, creativity + true innovation might be the key here.
@chris_sarca Yeah! That's what I'm trying to do with the things that I try to build, but I find it a bit frustrating (sometimes) to see how much stuff keeps popping out everywhere :D Hard to keep yourself up to date while focusing on what you're trying to build, IMHO