Ricardo Marinho

My cofounder is an AI?


I've come to suggest a topic that can change a lot in the next years the way we start our journey as an entrepreneur. It is already possible, right now, to start entrepreneurship without feeling totally alone, with the help of ChatGPT for example, if we know how to put the right prompts, we can extract a lot of useful information to build a business and a vision. We already see today case studies with GPT4 being used to be the CEO of a company where the human acts as its cofounder collaborator. The opportunities are immense. And you, what do you think about this? (I'm Ricardo, a lover of entrepreneurship and I have launched some projects that failed and others, successfully. If you are interested, check out my launched products here on product hunt)

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Sandro Okropiridze
You need a cofounder when everything goes wrong, including technology))
Ricardo Marinho
@sandros_stori That is an interesting thought. We can put it another way. Do things only go well with a cofounder?
Sandro Okropiridze
@ricardo_marinho_goncalves Absolutely not. But the point I was making is that any competency can be replaced by AI potentially, or partially substituted. But the point of a cofounder in my point of view is not a competency in a certain field. It is a support and loyalty when everything is going against you. And when things go wrong people want to shout at other people - not technology. It's either you alone or a cofounder stands with you.
Ricardo Marinho
@sandros_stori I totally agree. Basically it's the non-tangible things, which we don't always see but they are indispensable in a team. Having someone to discuss ideas with, to meet, with commitment and who believes in the same things we do, is like gasoline for a rocketship.