New to product hunt

Nikolas Dimitroulakis
5 replies
Hi there! I am Nikolas, new to the community. As i am preparing for my first launch in a month or so, i wanted to ask this to (primarily) founders and makers. Do you think the global recession makes it a good setting to launch a start up? I have heard two sides : that it actually helps (good talent available) or that it doesnt matter at all :) I guess the timing can never be too perfect but it can very well be very bad. :)


Marko Balažic
There is always a need for good products 😎 Is your product good?
Nikolas Dimitroulakis
ApyHub : The All in one API Platform
ApyHub : The All in one API Platform
@markobalazic our product will be helping developers and teams build their apps faster. So i guess we are going for "useful" instead of simply good :)
Marko Balažic
@nikolas_dimitroulakis Cool, seems like I am your target audience. Send me a link once you launch.
It has nothing to do with the recession, as long as your product is good enough. Launching a startup is not the biggest challenge but maintenance is. Always be open to ppls opinions, iterate, and persevere! And you can nail it! Welcome to the community :)
Rich Watson
NVSTly: Social Investing
NVSTly: Social Investing
Depends what the concept is perhaps. Welcome to PH