No code limitations 2024 ?


Hello No-Code community, I'm here to ask you a question. In 2024, with all the advances in the world of No-Code with AI and the various builders. Recently, have you recognised certain limitations on No-Code and AI platforms? Thank you for your answers !

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Victor Detraz
I don't see any honestly. We could argue that the pricing of some of them can be a limitation, but it would still be cheaper than hiring dev(s) to create the same product. And limitations will depend for each of these tools. For example with bubble, it's not possible to be fully RGPD compliant or host medical data with it. When it comes to performance, a stack like Weweb + Xano would be terribly efficient for a large majority of Saas.
There are still some complex functionalities that cannot be achieved by no-code, but i'm sure that gap is going to be covered soon
@swayammi7 Hello Swayam, Thanks for the feedback, you know some examples about that ?