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  • Our AI usage

    Peter Dove
    5 replies
    Hi All, Each day I learn something cool about AI and try to add it to mindraise.io - Yesterday I created a server for the Whisper model, so our customers could transcribe their audio to text. Today I was thinking about helping script/content writers who need long scripts checked by AI. I find with standard AI, the LLM only does a partial job, probably due to context window and other restrictions, forcing a user to paste the document in page by page. We are going to automate that. What functionality would you like to see in mindraise.io ? We are super fast at adding new functionality, so any suggestions would be great.


    Alistair Blake Sutherland
    I've been experimenting with GPT-4 and Claude to automate content generation and editing. For longer scripts, breaking it into chunks can help, but automating that process to handle longer documents end-to-end would be really useful. Maybe you could allow uploading an entire script, have the AI analyze it in sections, then provide a holistic edit and suggestions. Supporting different lengths, tones, and use cases like marketing copy, video scripts, articles, etc. would add a lot of value. Looking forward to seeing what you build!
    Peter Dove
    @alistairblakesutherland Your exactly the kind of beta tester I need LOL. Thanks for the suggestion. I will let you know as soon as I have it done.
    Gurkaran Singh
    Ah, navigating AI capabilities can feel like solving a puzzle - always evolving! Integrating seamless long script checks at mindraise.io is like giving content writers a magical editing wand. What's next? Auto-generating coffee for late-night writing sessions?
    CY Zhou
    That's fantastic, Peter! AI integration can truly revolutionize user experiences and streamline operations.
    Yes, adding real-time, comprehensive AI-powered script checking and transcription capabilities directly integrated into mindraise.io would be incredibly beneficial.