David May

Search Startup Jobs ā€“ Week 5 ā€“ Build in Public ā€“ Slow Week

Insane growth - and it was testing taking a week off of posting anything to focus on shipping a new re-design and Building a resource for those laid off Week 5 TL;DR šŸ‘€ 1,442 views this wk -2,760 Nov šŸ”Ž 601 Users - 1,090 Nov! šŸ”— 1,785 Backlinks!Thanks @rrmdp #ļøāƒ£ 165 Twitter Followers $0 MRR šŸ’¼ 12 apps this week ( 20 total) https://searchstartupjobs.com/se...

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David May
And some even more amazing news fro this week :) Thank you everyone
Paul Sutton
Excellent work David!!! Congratulations!
Philip Snyder
That's amazing growth! Congrats on the new design and resource. The location dropdown box is a little delayed... I typed in New York and it sorta was delayed in updating the options. (Can send video if needed) I want a filter to select jobs that offer in person.
David May
@philipsnyder hi phillip, yeah its the Map provider linked to the Wordpress tool that is delayed and difficult to return just Neaw York, New York without all the extra county and country coding. I am working on replacing this. DM me the locations and I can return you that list
Mikita Gera
My congrats, good results!