My Khanh Pham

Share a song, movie, or book that you think perfectly captures the essence of your product.


If ConveyThis were a movie, it would be "Lost in Translation" by Bill Murray! Just like the movie's whimsical adventures through language barriers. Would love for your support:

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Some sort of office with pyschological help to various people and i know that this is not the best example but From Dusk till Dawn by Sia will be song that represents our services. Of course idea is not the best because the song is mostly about human relationships, so maybe it would be better my services would represented by some religious song with good lyrics and deep music. Maybe this would be the best option, because religious songs are created to place hope in people's hearts
Andrey Bozhjev
Hi! I'm creating a service to share books among digital nomads and their neighbors. We connect people with books in 45 countries. And have helped over 300 people find books for themselves or their children We like to joke around, but we value our audience and don't fight with them when they want to borrow books from us for themselves! Sending a funny example of customer service in our field
Andrey Bozhjev
@my_khanh_pham Thank you, it's my pleasure! It's actually really cool to do a poll on a topic like this. Trying to answer this question allows you to look at your project with new eyes. I'll keep an eye on the comments here!