Lavinia Gherasim

Tell me that you are workaholic without telling me that you are workaholic.


I start: I'm doing code review while I'm enjoying my coffee or I enjoy doing code review while drinking my coffee:)).

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Relja Denic
Weekends are nice... nice to work
Even when I'm on a break, I'm on product hunt writing this comment :)
Nitin Joshi
I am sitting on commode!😁
Dave-Anthony Smith
My laptop only closes when I'm going to bed.
Mahsima Dastan
Well, I will do it this weekend
Sandra Djajic
Have you ever heard of weekends? Cause I didn't..
Soner Alemdar
filling my to do list even during evening walks
Brian Hurst
My employees yell at me to get off Slack when I'm on vacation.
Mathis Vella
I consider a 14-hour workday a half-day off
Sukanya Bharati
My favorite accessory? A Bluetooth headset for conference calls :P
Yavuz Tunc Emran
Vacation for me means taking my laptop to a different location..
I don't sleep much.
Kim Curtis
I'm passionate about what I do.
Lavinia Gherasim
I'm planning to stay awake the whole night for our PH launch. You can support us, leave a feedback or questions here: .