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  • To meme or not to meme, that is the question! 🤔

    Naomi | Beeyond AI
    13 replies
    As we dive deeper into the wild world of brand promotion, we're having a heated debate in the office: Should we unleash the power of memes in our social media posts and ads? Or is that just going to come off as cringey? What do you think—should we go for it, or stick to a more traditional approach? To meme or not to meme?


    Depends upon the meme you're talking about. Also, humor is subjective. But you can definitely try memes on different channels.
    Naomi | Beeyond AI
    @vertikanigam Yes, we are primarily thinking of targeting younger generation who we believe might appreciate it more. Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!
    Udaya Sri
    I believe everyone appreciates a good sense of humor, as long as it doesn’t hurt or offend anyone. Plus, when done right, humor can create a strong connection with a brand or product.
    Naomi | Beeyond AI
    @udaya_sri Right! The casual approach certainly can make the brand look more approachable and that is precisely one of the main reason we are considering it. Thanks for the insight!
    Christopher James Turner
    Lol, memes are always a hit or miss! 🎯 If you nail the right ones tho, they can definitely boost engagement. Just gotta know your audience 😉 Maybe test out a few on socials or emails to see what clicks. Pun intended 😂
    Olivia Jane Carter
    It definitely depends on the meme and the channel. Some channels are more meme-friendly than others. I'd say try a few and see what resonates with each audience, since humor is so subjective.
    Asher Dorian Thorne
    Definitely depends on the meme and the audience! Some well-placed humor and memes can make content more engaging and shareable. But you gotta know your audience and choose relevant memes. Maybe test a few different ones on social and see what resonates. Just don't overdo it or force it if it's not a natural fit for the brand voice.
    Naomi | Beeyond AI
    @asherdorianthorne Right! We are trying our best to strike the right balance there. Thank you for your input!
    Jason Jackson
    Haha I love a good meme! 😂 But yeah, def depends on the meme and the audience. What works great in one Slack channel might fall flat in another. Gotta know your crowd and pick your memes wisely! Maybe A/B test a few and see what gets the most 😂 reactions? Meme carefully my friends! 🧐
    Naomi | Beeyond AI
    @lpo_mkj A/B test is certainly very very important as we do these experiments. Thanks for your input!
    James Edward Thompson
    I think it totally depends on the meme and the channel... like some memes might kill it on Twitter or Reddit but flop on LinkedIn. 🤷♂ Definitely gotta know your audience and test out different ones to see what resonates. But yeah, memes can be a great way to inject some humor and personality into your content, just gotta use 'em strategically! 😉
    Naomi | Beeyond AI
    @jamesedwardthompson Indeed! Some platforms are more serious than others and careful consideration is certainly required. It's an experiment we are trying out here. Hope it goes well.