
Twitter's API $42,000/m for Business Now. Positive or negative for the environment? Alternatives? 🤔


It's confirmed. The new Twitter API cost make it really complicated to pay for it (for most SaaS companies out there). Do you think this is going to remove low-quality content? Is this just a way to make small providers smaller? What are the real alternatives a SaaS company and its users have to this new change?

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Marko D.
I feel like it's definitely limiting and only the biggest companies in the market will manage to keep providing Twitter-related services. This is destructive for innovation, because small companies with big ideas will have it harder to get traction. The only alternatives I see are raising prices and a combination of smart-coding and removing unimportant features to limit API use. If that's impossible, than I'd say completely removing Twitter support is the way to go.
@marko_d_ Agreed, this is going to cut on innovation. Let's hope they can come out with a more reasonable solution
Think it's terrible - going to really limit the innovative products that come through on the platform. Only really a place for the big boys now...
@maxwellcdavis Agreed, this is going to cut innovation for Twitter products. I hope they can put some other better proposal on the table soon. Maybe he is trying to come up with his whole series of official Twitter related products? :thinking:
@kai_s that’s what I was thinking too - and it could make buying things like Twitter blue worth it if it came with some proper tooling
We could see one of those pull-back strategic movements by bringing this price down to an annual level. That would be a good anchor for the price. I don't know what Elon Musk is up to, though.
Uma Venugopal
Whoa! So Elon's like "If we can't get individual users to pay $7/month, let's break even with b2b".
@uma_venugopal After thinking of it for a while, the only thing that makes any sense would be that Twitter is trying to come up with official Twitter related products... Let's see how this all ends