Yahya TΓΌr

We are on Product Hunt with Mini Course Generator Today πŸŽ‰β€‹ Is there any idea for get more feedback?

Hi Friends, We worked hard for today. Our product is much better than the previous year. We want to reach more people and get more feedback. Would you recommend something for this? I am excited to share my launch experience after the launch.

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Zekiye Nur Kesici
You can reach out to individuals in Slack communities. Get the whole team involved in outreach activities. Definitely a collaborative effort! We wish you the best of luck with your launch and look forward to hearing about your experiences.πŸ’«
Ben Dalziel
I read it as "Mini GOLF Course Generator", and I was intrigued! Do you have a mailing list of avid 1.0 customers you can ask feedback from? What was guiding the product process from v1.0 to 2.0? I would expect validating those enhancements with the original people who you learned needed the changes would be way more valuable than quick glances from PH? Did you get more PH feedback with V1.0? Perhaps no feedback is a good sign, and you've fixed all the obvious short comings
Rich Watson
congrats on the launch!