What advice would you give to people raising an investment round?

Artem Bukharin
4 replies
After each investment round, there is always a list of notes on what I would fix next time. What are the main rules or mistakes you could share so that others can avoid them?


We are only preparing to raise the first round, but I would like to share something that opened my eyes to investments. The investment process is the same as the sales process. The only difference is that you are trying to sell part of your project and team for the highest price possible. But the rest is the same: research of potential clients, cold and warm emails, sales pitches... So, every piece of sales advice is actually useful during the raising process. When I started thinking in this way, I started to understand that I did not need to try to build relationships with an investor and describe all weak points in the hope of building trust. Need to try to focus on selling the project
Gurkaran Singh
Oh, raising an investment round is like navigating a maze blindfolded! My advice? Make sure your pitch is as clear as a clean code with comments – investors love transparency almost as much as programmers do!
Trader BinQosim
I will watch the comment so as to know how to approach such
Eric Ryan
Att genomföra en investeringsrunda kan vara utmanande, men några viktiga råd kan underlätta processen. Först och främst är det viktigt att ha en tydlig och övertygande pitch som visar företagets potential och hur investeringen kommer att användas. Se till att ha alla finansiella dokument och prognoser i ordning, och var beredd att svara på detaljerade frågor om affärsmodellen. En vanlig fallgrop är att inte noggrant välja investerare som passar företagets kultur och vision, vilket kan leda till framtida konflikter. Slutligen, kom ihåg att behålla en realistisk värdering och vara öppen för feedback från investerare. För mer information om alternativa investeringar, besök gärna crowdfinans webbplats.