Saloni Jain

What are some effective methods for team leaders to improve team bonding?


Share your personal experience & effective methods to improve your team engagement.

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Kunal Mehta
Some effective methods for team leaders to improve team bonding include regular team-building activities, fostering open communication and collaboration, recognizing and appreciating team members' contributions, promoting a positive work environment, and encouraging social interactions among team members.
Kunal Mehta
@saloni_jain10 zoho based tool. Zoho Connect
Saloni Jain
@realkunalmehta Do you use any tool for these communications
Varun Varma
Team bonding extends beyond social activities like games and dinners. It primarily involves fostering daily team behavior, collaboration, respectful communication, effective problem-solving, and being supportive of one another. It revolves around building strong relationships, handling situations gracefully, and actively demonstrating empathy and support for team members.
Saloni Jain
@varunvarma91 Thanks for sharing, these are quite insightful.
Alec Nguyen
dinners. period. we love to eat.
Saloni Jain
@alec_afforai Absolutely. But does the team feel free to share their concerns over dinner?
Alec Nguyen
@saloni_jain10 with enough drinks, yes.
Antoni Kozelski
1. Adhere to an open-door policy 2. Create a friendly and respectful atmosphere in the company 3. Trust your team (learning this every day) 4. Create a mentoring program- connect new team members with a mentor! đź’Şđź’Şđź‘Ť
Saloni Jain
@antonikozelski Do you use any tool for the same purpose for your team?
suman saurabh
Random Acts of Appreciation: Encourage team members to surprise each other with small acts of kindness. It could be leaving a thoughtful note on someone's desk, bringing in their favorite snack, or even organizing a surprise celebration for a colleague's milestone. These little gestures go a long way in fostering a positive and supportive team culture.
Saloni Jain
@suman_saurabh2 Have you considered using any tool for enhancing appreciation & recognition for your team?
suman saurabh
@saloni_jain10 we are Avery small team. almost everything happens over a meeting
Jeffrey Scott
Some people are harder to communicate than others. It is worth learning about everyone's hobbies and use it in team building so that everyone can show up.
Saloni Jain
@jeffrey_scott123 Have you considered using any external tool for the same purpose?
Pia Besmonte
Love this question! • We love game nights. Whether virtual or in-person, we love low-risk problem-solving and competition. Team members who aren't as outspoken get to shine, depending on the game. • We celebrate each other's wins. We have a comms channel to praise individual and group accomplishments that move the needle forward. • We make space for playfulness. By embracing how each team member expresses who they are—memes, checklists, rants, podcast links—we get to understand how we can work better together. Appreciate the insights from this discussion, and will incorporate some of them into our new initiatives!
Tim Boulay
Teams are there for you through your ups and downs, so team building can be done by supporting them mentally, physically, and sometimes financially.
Saloni Jain
@timboulay I completely agree. How does your team communicate any concerns they have with you?
Namrata Arya
I think playing a sport together does wonders for Team Bonding. Also, I find that having “no work agenda” conversations within the team helps - basically talk about anything right from movies to current events
Igor Lysenko
I think it is necessary to create a friendly and cheerful team, so it will be convenient to work for everyone. But mostly jokes are very good to support the team. What do you think?
Eugene Nechvoloda
Hi All, Interestingly, I'm doing a research now on how to actually improve your leading/managing team skills and challenges on this way. I'd really appreciate if I could chat with anybody who's got leading/managing experience and stories to share. I'd love to hear them from you.