Sharath Kuruganty

What are some growth tactics you implemented which are not found anywhere on the Internet?

Founders find creative ways to grow and often they are not found in theory. So what are some tips you can offer to this community?

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Emerald Nwanne
My favorite growth tip is really doubling down on organic content through lesser used social channels. I've found great success just posting organically on Reddit, Quora and even Tiktok!
Demetri Ilias
@emerald_nwanne Can attest that if its the right subreddit, and if approached with respect and authenticity, reddit can be great
Miriam Dorsett
@emerald_nwanne I've heard so many good things about tiktok, have been slowly learning how to use it. Its such an entertaining platform is the only thing I end up spending way to much time watching the videos... LOL
Emerald Nwanne
@demetri_ilias very true on the emphasis on authenticity. redditors can smell bs from a mile away
Paul O'Brien
1. Talk to 500 people. Not customers! Not through forms or livestreams. Sit down and talk to 500 people about what you're doing. 2. Have a SOCIAL MEDIA experience where they can support you. NOT a BUSINESS page - something loosely related. As in, if I had a Facebook group for MediaTech, as we build what we're thinking, would you join? 3. Send them that. 4. Now, the secret trick to *more* social media growth? INVITE and TAG. Not email invite. Literally, click the INVITE in Facebook or LinkedIn and then invite all your friends/followers. Have your Team do the same. -- Social media does not actually grow well organically when you're getting started. You don't have enough reach for most of your content to get enough likes/comments so that it's seen by enough other people. So what do you? You INVITE people, manually, from your own personal network. Dirty secret? Same thing is true of event listings on social media. If you put an Event up on LinkedIn or Facebook, almost no one will know or see it; you'll end up with a dozen attendees. The trick? You have to manually invite (there is a function for it), everyone you know. These online media tricks and more brought to you by - where we don't want anyone left behind because they don't know how this stuff works!
Max Russell
@seobrien_mediatech it's super cool! Thanks for sharing!
Miriam Dorsett
@seobrien_mediatech Hey Paul! Great to see you on PH! talk to 500 people! totally agree with this, I've talked to about 100 so far and it has helped tremendously.
Devanand Premkumar
@seobrien_mediatech Nice set of inputs which are indeed valuable :). I am curious to understand the number 500 and how did we arrive at that.
Paul O'Brien
Cheers, @mdorsett - it's troubling but frankly not too surprising, how many founders neglect what's known to work.
Paul O'Brien
@devaonbreaches understanding the psychology of entrepreneurs after years of working with startups. Most people will talk to 10 or so, naturally Most of those are friends or familiar, so their input is rather irrelevant. If you talk to "customers," as most advise, you're probably wrong, and even if you're not wrong (about who those customers are), at best you'll now get to a few dozen - before you feel confident. That's called confirmation bias, and it's what leads to most founders failing. For years, in incubators, we'd advise instead to talk to "hundreds." Inevitably, hundreds would still cause founders to feel comfortable (erroneously) at around 50 or so of the wrong people. Hundreds doesn't SEEM like a lot so when founders get repetitive input, they'll tap out when they feel good. So why 500? Because it's "A LOT" "You talked to 100? Oh good for you, you're not even close yet." And because 500 is MORE than 99% of the world has in their friend network, it's more than most people can reach in terms of "customers," and so it forces people to accomplish what the the point is trying to get across: YOU HAVEN'T SPOKEN TO ENOUGH and YOU NEED TO GO OUTSIDE YOUR CIRCLES TO FIND MORE
Muntasir Rashid
Launching over and over in communities has been very effective for us at Postpace. Since the beta, we have launched more than 50 times and still launching on new platforms, communities every week for last 10 months. This has generated: - $200k in revenue - 1600 customers - 700 customer feedback - A very improved product I believe, we will keep following this method till we achieve a good sense of product market fit :) I documented our first 6 month's of journey here 👇
Devanand Premkumar
@muntasir_rashid Super happy for you. If 50 launches can give you $200K revenue, wonder what your gonna do with the next rounds of 100,200,500 :D
Daria Kalinovskaya
@muntasir_rashid Hello! In what communities outside of PH or social media have you launched? Would be very helpful :)
Shekhar Chandra
Building in public helps a lot. You get to meet people in the same boat as you are and might get in touch with potential customers.
Michelle Marcelline
You can't build an audience without a personal brand. You can't have a personal brand without a personal voice. You can't have a voice without knowing yourself. Learned this from a Twitter friend.
Miriam Dorsett
@michelle_marcelline Beautifully said.
Max Russell
Since I'm just starting so it can't be seen as grow... However, now, I'm reaching community on Reddit, Slack and PH and think these are quite potential communities for me to put a very first ground step to grow! If you have any better community, please suggest it to us & I'll definitely test it out!!!!
Sapling Studios
I've been reaching out to smaller youtube channels and sponsoring them with free products.
Fajar Siddiq
1. use social media and engage or paid ads 2. send newsletter emails on marketing 3. join community and share post discussions
Evgeny Medvednikov
@fajarsiddiq sending newsletters is not for growth, it's for retention. I hope we do not talk about spamming, but about a white normal email marketing ;)
Easton Hunter
@fajarsiddiq @medik i would agree with newsletters are not helpful, but the commutity is an amazing point, especially if it's loyal :)
Harry Kooros
Every social media platform available!!
Soner Haci
The most effective one is commenting on posts on Linkedin ( for b2b ) and onboarding the people who are interested.
Miriam Dorsett
This article by @qabil is an amazing roundup for launching:
Stefan Smiljkovic
Facebook group!
NAMI Design
thank you
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robiul haque
Blog like your brand depends on it (because it does), Conduct experiments, Be a shameless self-promoter, Find the low-hanging fruit, Create an email stockpile, Poke your audience in the grey matter and many more.
Easton Hunter
make your bussines an Instagram account and follow people, who can be interested in what are yu doing. helped me so many times!
Dimi Tarasowski
I was promoting one of the products I built over dev slack channels. Over 250 new visitors within a single day with 20 sign ups. I literally spent 3 hours of posting some content there. It works very well