Tyrone Robb

What day is best?


Hey Folks, What day is the best to go live and why? I have noticed some days the product of the day has over 1,000 votes where as others it's barely over 500. is that due to the product or the day or a combination of many factors?

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Stephen Maden
Depends upon the size of the community around your product.
Niko Germish
It depends on your goals. If the aim is just to get the 'label of the day,' which is less valuable compared to a real launch for client reach and mentions, then it's better to use weekends or celebratory dates when competition is lower. For more significant objectives like securing funding, customer outreach, and getting mentions, launching on workdays is recommended.
Never delay if you can do something now!
Alexander Ptitsyn
When I worked productivity.
Sergei Anosov
As I know - Saturday is best
I don't know correct answer. Write more about your observations
Alexandr Builov