
What is a good habit you have that you believe has been key to your success?


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China Zia
The "might as well" mentality - it really helps me push myself to do better. Already 8 minutes into my daily jog? Might as well make it 10! Started reading one page of a book? Might as well finish the whole chapter! Wrapping up the last few slides? Might as well complete it and submit now! 🤓
Regularly setting aside time for reflection and self-assessment. Taking a moment to review my progress, evaluate what’s working, and adjust my approach as needed keeps me on track and continually improving :)
Dharmi Gohil
Motivation is important for me
@dharmigohil Yes, everyone requires motivation, but what is a good habit you believe has helped you achieve success?
Dharmi Gohil
@neha_8 for me developing habit to prepare a to-do list has changed my productivity and has helped me in reaching where I am right now
Bilal Asif
Staying consistent and truly believing in myself and my team mates.
Shiva Tejasvi
Punctuality 😊
@shiva_tejasvi Good, How Punctual do you think you are?
Tariq Waseem
Constant learning.
Michael Thomas
I find that regularly reviewing my goals and progress has been crucial to my success. It keeps me motivated and ensures I’m consistently advancing.
Always willing to learn and adapt yourself to others. Everywhere I go or work, everybody likes my attitude.
Hasan Mahmood
By aiming to improve a little every day, according to the 1% rule in Atomic Habits: 'If you can get 1 percent better each day for one year, you'll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you're done.'