Salar Davari

What is the best way to help restore our energy after a hard day at work?

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AndrΓ© J
START WITH ELECTRIC SLEEP. sorry caps lock was on πŸ˜‚
Salar Davari
@olenabomko I think I've been torturing myself by watching just one movie a week. Seems like others do it every day.
mohsen rajabi
Drinking lots of water and walking in the park.
Florence Roy
Music works for me
Naoto Shibata
Work out and take a bath! It helps me sleep better.
Steve Lou
Going for a run or play tennis for me.
Salar Davari
@steve_lourdessamy Wouldn't that add to your tiredness?
Steve Lou
@salar__davari when my body works, I can leave my brain alone for some time :p that's how it gets restored. What do you do?
Karan M
Eating the favorite food followed by a small walk while listening to the favorite music then a tight sleep. Then next day will be filled with energy.
Drew "Sales Playbook Builder" Williams
Get outside if you've been inside all day for work. Just a walk around is reenergizing and creates a natural transition from work to life.
Igor Lysenko
If you've had a stressful day, a bath can calm you down.
Salar Davari
@ixord What about the less promising days?
Elena Tsemirava
I would prefer a long sleeping.
Relja Denic
Working out and then chilling
John Kirtley
seems counter-intuitive, but working out always wakes me up after a long day of work.
Roger D
Pam K.
1. Turn off all electronic gadgets, including mobile phones and laptops. 2. Star and moon watch.
Alex Zapata
Putting my phone down, then tea and 10-15 min meditation works wonders. Quiets the mind.
George Burmistrov
A good dinner and a full 8 hour sleep
Salar Davari
@burmistrov Dinner while you're still tired from work? Sadly that doesn't work with me!
Mahsima Dastan
I run 2k or 3k, then take a bath
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Yavuz Tunc Emran
taking a walk, especially in a wooded area, is the best way to restore energy.
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