What is the best way to promote small businesses online?

Ghulam Abbas
60 replies


Rohit Joshi
Social media is the best way to promote businesses online.
Adrian Oligarch
any specific strategies @rohitjoshi ? It's a big world out there.
Ghulam Abbas
@rohitjoshi Absolutely right!
Austin Armstrong
Showcasing what it is all about. Give out promotional freebies
It depends on what kind of business it is, but in my case, social media marketing did quite well.
Adrian Oligarch
Great advice @letty0519 what was your business?
Julie Su
Show off on social media, rock Product Hunt, share cool content, spice up SEO, and hit up email. Keep it fresh and tailored to your crowd!
Adrian Oligarch
I am stealing the term "rock product hunt" @julie_su something that I will be doing daily from now on
John B
@julie_su that’s all really good because it saves money. For a small business, this would be a good start!
Ghulam Abbas
@julie_su Thank you!
Jose Rodríguez
If it's about productivity, add it to https://productivity.directory :D
Rully Ardiansyah
start by sharing with your friends, and family first. Get a feedback from them, improve the product, time to advertising
Adrian Oligarch
be careful with this @devoresyah there's a popular book called The Mom Test that says moms and friends will always give you bad advice so they don't hurt your feelings
Rully Ardiansyah
@adrian_oligarch Yes, my opinion cannot be implemented in general families. In this world, there are many toxic families like what you said. Fortunately, it didn't happen on my family ^_^
The best way to promote small businesses online is by leveraging social media platforms and engaging with your audience through meaningful content. Additionally, consider utilizing targeted ads to reach your specific demographic effectively.
Business Marketing with Nika
For me, it has always been social media and wom by other people (testimonials, reviews, recommendations on social media) – good SEO can also help :)
Nachiket Patel
Email marketing has been around for ages, but the strategy has by no means become less effective over time. In fact, 77% of people prefer to get permission-based promotional messages via email versus other modes of communication.
Adrian Oligarch
Read a great article @patelnachiket that talks about the high conversion rates of using email marketing to sell dev tools. You are giving solid advice.
Ruben Boonzaaijer
@patelnachiket Interesting product! I'm notified! ps. ringly.io is live today your support would help us out a lot
Yurii Holovanov
Research the communities where your target audience resides. Invest time and effort to communicate with them and bring value to discussions inside that community. Offer your services and products in a non-intrusive way, only when the topic occurs naturally. This low cost but very time-consuming process yet it will generate great leads.
Ghulam Abbas
@yurii_holovanov Great! Thank you!
Adrian Oligarch
Love the basics @yurii_holovanov...start with research!
Bob Chan
I think there is no best way and the answer to this question is always case-by-case. General ways can be divided into paid ways and free ways, and free ways include: 1. social media (showcase is quite important) 2. seo 3. press coverage 4. referral 5. offline events 6. email notification
Ghulam Abbas
@miduduur Super! Thanks!
I have an example: I made a free AI plugin Anything Copilot. https://chromewebstore.google.co...
Nataliya Trotsenko
It is strongly connected to the type of business you have and what target audience you are looking at. All in all, various instruments of experiential marketing work quite well, but it is important firstly to understand what is your main aim
Kacper Gugała
For me Linkedin Sales Navigator and cold outreach worked quite well
Ghulam Abbas
@gugkac01 Thank you!
Michael Shver
I think it depends on what kind of small business. For many B2B businesses, LinkedIn is quite good, while SaaS products are doing nicely in build-in-public spaces on Twitter. Paid ads can still be good on FB/Instagram and Google, although they need more money than before. Product Hunt can be good for a start. We are checking it out right now ourselves with our launch 👇 producthunt.com/posts/steerer
Ghulam Abbas
@michaelshver Suggestion: Contact to the support team via email and embed PH badge on your website before.
Ghulam Abbas
@michaelshver Great! Supported!
Ghulam Abbas
@michaelshver Not featured yet :(
Moaz Ahmad
Launching soon!
Social media marketing is the way to go, but it would depend on your target audience too. If your target audience is GenZ then you must have an engaging and funny ad creative with humor, but if your target audience is millennials then your ad should show professionalism.
Small businesses thrive on community support and online visibility! Engage with local influencers, leverage social media platforms, and showcase your unique offerings to reach a wider audience. Don't forget the power of word-of-mouth – encourage satisfied customers to spread the word. Need more tips on promoting your business? Visit our website men leather jackets for expert advice and explore our premium collection to add a touch of style to your wardrobe today
Mahbub Alam
The best way to promote small businesses online is through social media marketing, especially by running targeted Facebook and Instagram ads to reach local audiences. For example, a small bakery could create engaging posts showcasing their products and boosting them to people living nearby through localized ad campaigns on those platforms.
Rish Tran
Leverage social media and free design resources to build an online presence. For design resources, explore websites like https://uifreebies.net/ to create visually appealing content.
Adrian Oligarch
Take the online marketer's approach! Provide value in groups and in communities. Give so much more that they are dying to give back.