What is your favorite movie or tv series you have watched this year?

Tyler Opraseuth
13 replies
Hunters, curious to hear about your taste in movies/shows!


Maryna Kotenko
Dune 2 and House of the Dragon :)
Tyler Opraseuth
@esercetinkaya not a ringing endorsement haha slow year for tv eh?
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My top pick for this year has been "The Queen's Gambit". The story, acting, and cinematography all came together beautifully to create a captivating series that kept me on the edge of my seat. The character development and chess matches were both intriguing and I highly recommend giving it a watch! We are building a marekting Contentify AI for Free here just look up Contentify AI
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The Walking Dead :D Please, don't judge me :D
Business Marketing with Nika
@tyleropraseuth it is like every series... the best are those first. The same applies to the Simpsons. I am pretty curious on spinoffs :D
Gurkaran Singh
This year, I got hooked on the TV series "The Mandalorian" faster than a high-speed data transfer! The perfect blend of sci-fi, action, and Baby Yoda cuteness had me binge-watching like there's no tomorrow.
Tyler Opraseuth
@thestarkster I never got around to watching that one but I heard the first couple seasons were great
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