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  • What Is Your Go-To Stack for Building an MVP Fast?

    Emin Araki
    12 replies


    Abigail Grace Robinson
    React Native + Supabase + Serverless API routes on Vercel have been my go-to for fast MVPs lately. Super easy to spin up and deploy a full stack app without managing infra or writing backend code. Just focus on the UI/UX and ship! 🚀 Would love to hear what other combos folks are using for rapid prototyping.
    Nicole Park
    App: Flutter DB/Authentication: Supabase Backend(when needed): Django, deployed on Fly.io
    Abdurrahman Yiğit
    Mobile: Flutter Backend: Laravel Web: Nuxt or Next But I don't think only these tools will speed up the process. I think boilerplates are the real game changers.
    Emin Araki
    @apodebana That's pretty close to my stack. However, I have now completely abandoned Laravel and usually only build everything in Next - unless it's a larger project with a lot of logic behind it. But very exciting to see. I agree with your point about boilerplates - using them really saves a lot of time and I really like using them myself for my projects. Thanks for the insight.
    Milo Nathaniel Thorne
    My go-to stack is React Native for the app, Firebase for DB/Authentication, and Express.js deployed on Heroku or AWS for the backend when needed. Fast to build with and pretty scalable for an MVP!
    Emin Araki
    @milonathanielthorne I agree with you. Thanks for the insight. Your stack focuses on scalability right from the start. How do you feel about web apps that are bundled using native runtimes like Capacitor instead of using React Native?
    For building an MVP fast, my go-to stack focuses on simplicity, speed, and flexibility, leveraging modern tools that balance rapid development with scalability: Frontend: React with Next.js: Fast, SEO-friendly, and easy to integrate with backend APIs. Next.js provides built-in routing, SSR (server-side rendering), and static site generation, which are essential for modern web apps. Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development. It helps you build responsive, clean designs quickly without writing custom CSS. Backend: Node.js with Express or Next.js API routes: For building RESTful APIs quickly. It allows for a unified codebase if using Next.js. Supabase: A managed backend that provides real-time databases, authentication, and storage, similar to Firebase but with SQL. It saves time on infrastructure setup and is developer-friendly. Database: PostgreSQL (via Supabase): A powerful, flexible relational database that's easy to scale. It’s well-suited for complex queries and growing data needs. Deployment: Vercel or Netlify: Ideal for deploying full-stack Next.js apps. They handle continuous deployment, SSL, CDN, and serverless functions out of the box with minimal configuration. Authentication & Authorization: Supabase Auth: Simple and integrates seamlessly with the database. It supports social logins and email/password authentication. Version Control: GitHub or GitLab: For managing code with built-in CI/CD pipelines if needed. Other Tools: Stripe for payment processing if your MVP requires monetization. Puppeteer for web scraping or generating screenshots (if relevant). This stack strikes a balance between development speed and the ability to scale as your MVP grows, allowing you to ship a polished product quickly.
    Timothy Charles Wilson
    I use Supabase for auth/DB too and love how quickly I can get an MVP up with it! For front-end I've been digging Svelte lately - super fast, simple and compiles to vanilla JS. Netlify makes deploying a breeze. It's my go-to stack for cranking out MVPs in record time.
    Mason Derek Holloway
    Absolutely love that stack! Flutter is 🔥 for fast MVPs, Supabase makes backend a breeze, and deploying Django on Fly.io is super smooth. I'm using a similar setup but with FastAPI instead of Django - might have to give your stack a try next time!
    Silas Reeve Blackburn
    My go-to stack is NextJS for the frontend, Supabase for the backend/DB/auth, and Vercel for deployment. Lightning fast to build and deploy with, and scales seamlessly as you grow. Used it for my last 3 MVPs.
    Patricia Harris
    I use Firebase for auth and realtime DB, Next.js on Vercel for frontend+API routes, and Xata or Supabase for extra backend muscle if needed. Allows me to bang out a polished MVP crazy fast.