Cristina Imre

What makes you lose focus the most?


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New idea , a poor sleep, slack, and the mails
@cristinaimre you're welcome
Cristina Imre
@fares_aktouf Thanks for sharing.
Gwendal Brossard
Social media notifications on my phone is by far my biggest distraction
Cristina Imre
@gwendalbrossard It seems like I should have add notifications. :)
Sushil Sharma
Chime of notifications.
Cristina Imre
@sushil_sharma2 That's a good one.
Adam ล˜รญha
Definitely notifications on my phone, but also lack of sleep.
Cristina Imre
@adamriha I feel you. I started using the 'do not disturb mode' several times a day in smaller or bigger chunks depending my schedule and it works wonders to be honest. Sleep yes, that affects the mind directly so it's one of those lifestyle laws we need to obey. :) Thanks for your insights.
Daniel Koster
Sitting next to someone with a strong smell/perfume ๐Ÿคข
Cristina Imre
@kostarados Funny/ So you're an olfactory one. How about the great smell of food?
Cristina Imre
@kostarados @zeehow Funny but how cool is to be aware of what sets you off, right?
@kostarados Bro it actually happened this morning๐Ÿ˜‚, the point is his perfume smell BAD ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
Software Guy (Aarvy)
@kostarados ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
Social media, a lot!
Cristina Imre
@arpan_011 Any in particular or all of them distributed?
Pinar Engur
I think, stress is one of the most important factor when you rush to complete your work until duedate. But we may overcome it by tracking time and observing whick tasks take too much time during working.
Cristina Imre
@pinar_engur Thanks for your insights.
Edward G
Kind of a tie between a new idea and poor sleep. A new idea steals my focus the most (chasing a new shiny penny), but poor sleep just negatively impacts my brain's ability to do anything effectively.
Cristina Imre
@edward_g Yes, both are really important to conquer. Thanks for sharing.
It really makes me not that friendly if I had really poor sleep.
Cristina Imre
@zeehow The sleepy monster awakening, right? :)))
lanang ari
Phone :)