What's the biggest mistake you've made in your career that you still regret?
Udaya Sri
18 replies
I regret not starting earlier. The younger generation seems to be very focused on achievements and more ambitious than we were. Seeing their successes makes me feel like my own accomplishments are minor and that I should have begun sooner to achieve more. Does anyone else feel this way?
BTW way any poetry lovers here?
Nathan Covey@nathancovey
Not learning how to code earlier
@nathancovey This will be one of my regrets too. Regardless of career goals, I think it’s a skill everyone should try to learn.
Oof, I think the biggest mistake I made was not realizing the potential of a certain technology early on that later exploded in popularity. Missed out on being an early adopter and innovator in that space. Still kicking myself over it! But ya live and learn I guess... gotta keep looking forward and not dwell too much on past missteps, even though the regret still stings sometimes lol
I don't believe in statements like your biggest mistake or regret, there is nothing like biggest mistake or regret there is only one thing learning and opportunity to look at things differently.
lol... I think you are right... and now It feels a bit late trying to compete with them.. the feeling is mutual Udaya.. hmmm
This is true but I believe it’s never too late for anything :)
None. I never regret for anything.
Early in my career, I didn’t always listen to feedback from colleagues and mentors. I was too focused on proving myself instead of learning and growing from their insights.
Not focusing enough on taking time off. And yes I love poetry Udaya!
@deepa_somasunderam I’ve recently begun celebrating small wins to help avoid this kind of regret. Great, I love poetry too!
@natasha_reddy I totally get that. It’s so easy to focus on perfecting the product, but really understanding your audience is key.