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  • What’s the most effective way to onboard new users?

    Aqsa Sajjad
    16 replies


    Gurkaran Singh
    Onboarding new users is like teaching pandas kung fu - start slow, keep it engaging, and watch them master the art of your product in no time!
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    My friend told me a few days ago on the call that he onboarded according to bachelor/diploma thesis because he wanted to find people who were interested in a certain topic. It was quite interesting to me.
    Dmitrii Oreshko
    "There is a fundamental statement about your customers’ behaviour: mental or cognitive energy of the person is a very limited resource and organically you are trying to avoid any invaluable loss of it." - less friction and more "wow moments". My full article: https://www.mindtheproduct.com/h...
    Fernando Hendrawan
    Maybe provide a seamless and engaging experience. This includes a user-friendly interface, clear and concise instructions, interactive tutorials or walkthroughs, and prompt support for any issues.
    Royce Wong
    For a startup like ours.. we're doing things that don't scale. In most cases its white glove onboarding with face to face video calls to help onboard, setup and start using. Our current launch on PH with inorbit.io has a new version of onboarding that have some self serve components, however we do give a way for users to contact us directly.
    Richard Reis
    AI Document Translator
    AI Document Translator
    Reading all the teardowns at useronboard.com and finding patterns/ little details that can apply to my product.
    Arthur Leo
    I think a welcome email series with helpful tips and resources can be very effective. It guides new users at their own pace.
    I guess providing case studies or examples of how other users have successfully used your product can inspire and guide new users.
    Enyi Bassey
    A clear, step-by-step guide works well. It helps users understand the basics quickly and easily.
    Sandeep Kumar
    Offering a hands-on tutorial is great. It lets users try out features with guidance.
    Puja sharma
    Personalized onboarding with user-specific tips can make a big difference. It helps users feel more connected.
    Ishaku Abdullahi
    Providing easy access to support, like a chat option, can really help new users when they have questions.
    Ibrahim yasir Suleiman
    Combine demos that show key features can be very effective. They make learning engaging and memorable.
    Ibrahim adamu
    A well-organized FAQ section can solve common issues and make onboarding smoother for new users.
    Adeeb Malik
    You build an introduction video. I'm just onboarded, most of the users sign up first to test/check out your product, its capabilities, functionalities, etc. Also, somewhere there is a hesitation towards trusting the product and putting your money, why? Because I don't know the team or a face to attach it to. Get rid of all that and also create a connection from step 1. Ps. You can also use this connection to send emails from a particular person which would be recognized instantly and will have a more open rate.