Ernest Wolfe

What's the most impactful change you've made to your workflow to enhance productivity?

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Dorothy Thompson
I started using a simple task management app to keep track of everything. It’s amazing how much more organized I feel now.
Charlie Hale
The biggest impactful change I made to my workflow was to move to a dedicated to-do list with "Must Completes" and "Nice to Haves" as separate daily lists. This way, I would ensure I get the most needed tasks done first.
Jonathan Michael Blake
For me the biggest productivity hack has been timeboxing my calendar and setting 1-3 main priorities each day. I block specific time slots for deep work, admin tasks, emails, breaks etc. Keeps me focused on what matters most and ensures I make steady progress. Also having a short daily planning/review to keep on track. Game changer!
Priya Rani
I set specific times for different tasks, which helps me stay focused and get things done more efficiently.
Amalio Lanter
I began setting clear goals and deadlines for each project. Having specific targets helps me stay organized and measure my progress better
Mathews Simons
I automated repetitive tasks. It’s like getting hours back in my day.
We did a couple of things- brought tasks and related notes, links etc to organize everything in one place, and added custom AI agent to the project to be the expert assistant. In fact we are launching this as a tool soon!
Han Kim
1) Using the Eisenhower Matrix 2) Time-block my mornings for high impact work 3) Using a single, combined calendar in my startup for better alignment
Azza Shahid
Prioritizing tasks