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  • What techniques do you use to manage your time effectively as a maker?✍️

    Joy kalu
    11 replies
    What specific strategies or tools have you found transformative? Please share any apps or resources that have helped you stay productive.


    Sehar Sohail
    I use the time blocking technique to manage my time effectively. This involves scheduling specific blocks of time for focused work on tasks, reducing distractions, and ensuring deep focus on important projects. By allocating time for different activities (e.g., creating, meetings, and breaks), I maintain productivity and balance throughout the day.
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    Personally, I rely on time-blocking to schedule focused periods for different projects. I also use a digital task manager to prioritize my to-do list, ensuring I tackle the most important tasks first. Taking short breaks helps recharge my creativity, too.
    Joy kalu
    @bilalasif I appreciate you sharing your strategy💞 Indeed, time-blocking seems like an excellent method for staying focused, and I like how you use a digital task manager to prioritize your tasks. Finally, I've also noticed that taking breaks significantly enhances my productivity. Thank you so much!
    Xinshu Ta
    Tanka, help you organize all your team chats
    Greffin Dony
    I find that setting specific goals for each day helps me stay focused.
    Sophia Gartner
    I’m a fan of the Pomodoro technique! Working in bursts of focused time, followed by short breaks , keeps me energized and prevents burnout.
    Dashik Boeloepnaandong Amos
    I schedule my tasks in chunks, so I know exactly what I should be focusing on at any given moment.
    Emily Grace Thompson
    Time blocking is definitely the way to go! I also rely heavily on Todoist to organize all my tasks and projects. Another thing that helps me is using the Pomodoro technique - 25 min focused work sessions with 5 min breaks. Keeps me productive without burning out. Oh and I recently started doing a quick 10-15 min planning/prioritizing session each morning which has been a game changer for keeping me on track!
    Rahul Parmar
    I prioritize tasks using the Eisenhower Matrix and set time blocks for focused work. Regular breaks help too!