What would you like to do more/less in your business?

Some activities help you progress, and some bring you down. What would you remove and what would you do more? This is my list: Less ➖ Overthinking ➖ Assumptions about what others might think ➖ Administrative tasks More ➕ Investments into the visibility ➕ Real-life events visited to see possible partners IRL ➕ Content creation (video format) ➕ Product monetisation ➕ Delegating


Span Chen
SEO for the long term game.
Span Chen
@busmark_w_nika Yeah, Ahrefs have a SEO tutorial for beginners.
Dror Elad
I your "More" category :) I would just add more client feedback
Alexander Alkor
Hi Nika, that's so important question! Happy to think about it :) I totally agree about your list, but for More, I'd also add the direct communications with users and potential partners. As my practice shows now, it's extremely important.
Alexander Alkor
@busmark_w_nika it's more about online communication: chats and direct messages, which are good for asking questions about people's products and activities, establishing partnerships, and attract people to your products. I'm not so proficient in conference visiting yet :)))
Elia Lee
Thank you so much for sharing information with us. Working with you has been a pleasure. Your help and support have been greatly appreciated. It is clear that you place great value on the quality of the content on this site, so we are always grateful for what you do. https://y2khoodiestore.com/
Luka Brzin
I love your list. If I could choose I would do less administrative and repetitive tasks and even more focus on selling (marketing) the product and talking to users.
Luka Brzin
@busmark_w_nika Working with people is difficult but necessary in our business. Knowing how to effectively manage user feedback and understand their pain points and desires is extremly hard but it has to be done.
Maxwell Bennett Crawford
Less➖ Spending time on low-value tasks or 'busywork'➖ Stressing about things outside my control➖ Overcomplicating processes or systems More➕ Investing in marketing & brand awareness➕ Networking and building relationships➕ Focusing on high-value, revenue-generating activities➕ Automating repetitive tasks to free up time➕ Taking time to strategize and plan for growth
Matt Cloud
Delegating. Yup!
Karen Wick
Showing workplace culture of your business and think of ideas to make your employees happy, cause they are the ones running our business for us. That's my mindset and I try to work on these as much as possible.
Angela Ross
I follow this list too but overthinking just happens. I do try to keep myself busy in other tasks to not overthink though.
Two Heads
LESS: - working on projects for clients - creating vitamins - trying to make a project 100% perfect MORE: - working on our own (saas) projects - creating painkillers - launching more 1 feature projects
Shivali Goyal
Definitely less of documentation. Less of 'how do I do this?' even after taking long sessions. More of video and document creation asap easily
Shivali Goyal
@busmark_w_nika I meant when people keep asking such questions, despite having been told multiple times already!
I hate to overthink! I would sell my soul to the devil to get rid of it!