Fatma Kiraz

Which contents would you expect to have on the coming soon page of your product?

We're building a product called "Coming Soon Kit" includes 50+ coming soon page templates for building an audience before the product launch. I have been developing the templates by using Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js for you to customize easily every block for your coming soon page. We've been just using Tailwind CSS classes for each template, so you don't need any custom config to use them. We used one of our templates for our product's coming soon page, too āœŒļø šŸ‘‰ https://comingsoonkit.com/ We prepared some templates like above including features list, only text areas-without image(for products still developing), counter, text areas with image(desktop/mobile/e-book cover). Do you have any other idea like these? That would be great to hear your thoughts on what a coming soon page should contain šŸ™Œ

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Nazli Gulenc
Having a coming soon page for a specific product must have multiple advantages. Finding the early adaptors early as possible changes can change the course of launch. Because generally, early adaptors are eager as you to spread the news about the product when they are inspired or excited-as Simon Sinek says in his famous speech-It also helps to authenticate the idea and get feedback. Good luck! šŸ¤©
Fatma Kiraz
@nazli_gulenc Absolutely! As we all know, It's not easy to bootstrap the whole process of our product on our own. Most of us are focusing on the development step of our product and we are not interested in building an audience before the product launch of our product. So that it's important for having a good launch engagement to start idea validation for our product and reach the potential customers before launching our product! Thanks! šŸ”„