Bernard Zitzer

Which tools do you prefer to be analog although there is a digital solution?

I've recently started to bullet journal and I can't express how much more I enjoy journaling with pen and paper over typing into Evernote, Notion, or whatnot. Something magical happens when ink hits paper. I also prefer reading physical books over e-ink like kindle as I often make notes within the book and circle and underline stuff. So I wonder, what other tools might I prefer in analog over digital? What are your favorites? Please feel free to also describe the magic why. Cheers

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Tyler Dane
Yes, bullet journal all the way!
Tyler Dane
@bernardzit Clarity of thought and better prioritization. I've been doing less but getting more done, which is a great feeling. Digital tools were great at making me feel busy, but not holistically productive. Plus I get to flex on instagram about my artsy spreads (JK!) hah
Bernard Zitzer
@tyhitzeman ahhh, my man!!! Would you also share a bit of why? What problems did it solve for you other tools couldn't? Curious to hear more!
Gleb Braverman
Wrist watch!
Gleb Braverman
@bernardzit I like them to be as simple as possible, there’s only one function (time) aside from being beautiful I want from them - doesn’t make sense to overcomplicate😀
Bernard Zitzer
@gleb_braverman love it! Tell me more and why.