Why do some indie makers like Pieter Levels create million-dollar startups while others fail?
In August, I spent 2 days reading many of Pieter's 114,000 tweets to figure out what he did differently.
Wrote a deep dive covering:
· How he validated his ideas using Google Sheets
· How he created 1-time offers that landed him +$203k
· How he ended up #1 on Product Hunt
200 people signed up to read the deep dive.
There are many more indie makers I want to cover e.g. Damen Chen and Marc Louvion...
Want to see if there is any interest before I do.
Does anyone want to read How microSAAS are built?
The first issue will be sent here → https://l.linklyhq.com/l/1uDcD
(p/s: This post blew up on X but I am wondering if it's an algo fluke so here we go)