Kazimieras Melaika

Working on something specific or taking some time off for yourself? Tell us your summer's end goals


Hey, almost 2/3 of summer is already over. Are you still on time with your plans (whether it's vacation or work)? Share us what are your summer's end goals with us! I'm currently still preparing for our PH launch sometime in the mid of August. Check out our upcoming PH page: www.producthunt.com/upcoming/eff... Our project is called: Effecto. It’s an app for detailed habits, health, symptoms, and meds tracking. Pretty much for everything that is related to your physical or mental health and every daily factor that can affect you. You can track everything - chronic health conditions (like ADHD, migraine, and every other health issue), even productivity, focus, procrastination, etc. and learn what improves or worsens it. Could be of value to many of us!

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Lesley Hutchinson
Hey, yes I am currently working on a project called My Bus Food. With this system every bus travel agency is able to sell food and drinks in the bus with an app. Every traveler will have an app where they can buy food and drinks. Whenever you order a product, the host will get a notification and they can then bring the product to the right chair. My goal is to finish the product completely before the end of the summer. Don't forget, never give up on your dreams and keep on working till you get there!
Kazimieras Melaika
@lesley_hutchinson Motivation is always important, keep going! Sounds like a really nice idea, how about the market? Is it big enough to scale?
Lesley Hutchinson
@kmelaika yes the market is big enough. Because the idea is so innovative, a lot of coach companies profit off using this system. Orders in catering can multiply by 2, and save a lot of time in man hours. We are aiming to launch on the 31th, and we are now selling the prices at a very low price. Please check it out at https://mybusfood.com/ I would really like to know your opinion on this.
Kazimieras Melaika
@lesley_hutchinson Sounds interesting, I hope you'll succeed! Long journeys will be much more comfortable and food-wise healthier (there'll be no need to get the food from gas stations or random places near the road). Good luck!
Shravya Indukuri
Looking forward to the launch of your product here, it sounds amazing! As for me, I'm preparing for our own PH launch of an AI video-making tool very soon, also planning to work on some upskilling courses and take a little time off in between for a quick break. Wishing you the best with your launch.
Kazimieras Melaika
@shravya_indukuri Thanks, we're putting a lot of effort in it! Need to polish it and it will work amazing and do amazing things to help people! The best of luck for you too! I'm curious to see your AI video-making tool; )
Tapos Ovi
Good luck on your upcoming PH launch, mate. Your upcoming page link doesn't work, I think. No vacation or time off 😟 as right now super busy on building & launching Tixio 2.0 that is a collaborative online workspace to start your workday with! Our upcoming page - https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Do us a support also. 🙌
Kazimieras Melaika
@tapos_ovi Hey, thanks! Just edited the link, should work now. Just subscribed. Best of luck on your launch too! Don't forget to take some time off though, at least on the weekends.
Daphna Tsachor
Took some time off in a crazy roadtrip in the pacific north west, now having a much needed post time-off rest :) Effecto sounds very useful, good luck with that! Seems like your upcoming page is broken, curious to see it!
Kazimieras Melaika
@daphna_tsachor Thanks! I've just edited the upcoming page link, my bad. Would love to hear more about your crazy roadtrip, sounds exciting!
Samson Godstime Adarighofua
i am actually doing both this summer working on building backlinks for etha.one and taking sometime off also
Iuliia Shnai
Subscribed:) Good luck with the launch. Any tips on how to get the best out of Upcoming page? Also planning to launch soon: 100+ user onboarding examples to help startups and solopreneurs build their own onboarding and lead conversion process.
Kazimieras Melaika
@iuliia_shnai Thanks a lot, hope you'll like it too! I think the Upcoming page has to be visually attractive (some nice images, etc.) and should contain the most engaging and most important stuff only, there's no need to write every part of your project in detail. Just short, simple sentences and nice images. Good luck on your launch!